Teenagers crossing the road in front of me, head down, texting, just stepping out without looking! Women with prams pushing the baby straight out to see if you will stop for them! I think they're just not drivers, they don't know just how stupid they're being.
JoinedPosts by Xanthippe
Any drivers here recognise THIS scenario?
by The Fall Guy ina bbc news report about a "hit & run" victim.
the "victim's" comments are laughable:.
Same Talks Again and Again
by Akid48 inhey i’m back i know it’s been a long time since i’ve posted on the form but a lot things have been happening so i haven’t had much time to post.. ive been 14 for awhile now makes me happy because i’m getting closer to being able to get a job and work my way out of this.. i have meetings on saturdays now which is horrible because i rather have it on sunday because it’s already a sad day because i got to go to school the next day.three of our public talks have had different brothers saying the same thing talking about the signs of the end days.the thing that gets me is when they always try and bank on the earthquake part i mean i’m really into science so i already knew a lot about plate tectonics sea floor spreading etc but you get taught this in school.with plates always moving divergent convergent transform etc there will be earthquakes it’s the effect of plates moving against or rubing on each or going back into the mantle(subduction zones) it happens.so when there’s a report in japan of a lot of earthquakes it must be the end times!no japan is located on four plates it’s going to experience big earthquakes.. i don’t know that just gets under my skins when they try and say it’s the end days because of the earth having natural things happen like plate tectonics is something that’s been happening recently no we might have gotten our hands on the technology to spot earthquakes recently but this has been happening for millions of years.. speaking of years i hope you all have a great 2019 and i’ll definitely post more of my thoughts this year..
Your knowledge of plate tectonics puts those ignorant old men who run that cult to shame. Their knowledge is two thousand years out of date.
Happy New Year, roll on the time you can start your own independent life!
New JW phrase: bouquet of truth
by ohnightdivine ini heard it from someone who attended the latest wt study, and quickly posted it with - you guessed it - a picture of a lovely flower bouquet.
"how big is your bouquet of truth?".
Emotional Moment...
by babygirl30 inyesterday i was looking to share a pic with a friend of mine, and i swore it was in my photo albums (i have 3).
so i start going through them, and i see so many jw pics!
i had a huge group of friends when i was 'in', and so there is just pic after pic of assemblies, dinners, game nights, rbc projects, my family and the house i grew up in, people from the hall, etc.
It's natural to enjoy having a continuation of our childhood and adolescence into adulthood. It's just odd to have life as we know it cut off and a new life started. People change careers and relationships but to change everything can be shattering. Congratulations on your family and new group of friends.
2nd Update/Scary Experience
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara inglad to say just got the news that the man who was arrested on suspicion about the dead bodies has been convicted of those two murders.
his accomplice is on the run, search going on for him.
there are talks about raising more awareness in the country park area now.. this news helps us to breath a little easy now.. thank you all for your support.. peace..
I do not want to remember this nigtmare ,want to forget it as fast as I can - Zin
Oh really? This is your third thread about it.
How was your Hoilday?
by Still Totally ADD inours was great.
for the first time we had christmas with our youngest son and his family.
it was all their first christmas and what a fun and happy time we had.
Sounds wonderful David. I've been following your story on here of your son and daughter in law waking up. You got them back and all your dear grandchildren to spoil and celebrate fun times with. I'm so happy for you. I wish this for everyone who has lost family to the Borg. Thanks for your lovely story today.
Happy New Year everyone.
I'm glad your year has been overall wild HC. Hope that means in a good way?
Yeah I got a new contract for my job after applying for my own position for the third time in seven years. All good.
Had two weeks in India, trip of a lifetime.
And my energy company refunded me £127 last week! Wow!
Quo Vadis ..2019
by zeb inwell friends what is before us in the coming year?.
i often end my postings with 'live long and prosper in wisdom and health.
' this live long quote is taken from star-trek and it was the late wonderful leonard nimoy who suggested it from his orthodox jewish background.
Live long and prosper Zeb. Can you do the hand thing? I can but some can't, might be something genetic so I've heard.
I had books by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross recommended to me, particularly On Death and Dying, although she has written many others concerning coping with grief. She is a Swiss-American psychiatrist who doesn't believe we ever get over losing a loved one but we learn to live with the loss.
We have lost many loved ones in my family, my daughter had attended 15 funerals by the time she was twenty, including her father. I agree with you, grief is a long, hard process that nothing in the JW religion prepares you for. All I can say is the pain gets less awful as the years go by and you learn to carry on without them.
The way I coped was walking in beautiful countryside, listening to music, confiding in friends and planning trips. You need to plan things to continue living, something for you to look forward to. I feel for you, take care.
Days of Elijah by US Marines U-tube
by smiddy3 infor all the newbies and lurkers who have been indoctrinated that jw`s are the only ones who know and use the name of jehovah/.
and i don`t know how to put it up here ,oh well i tried .
I tried to post the link to the Days of Elijah and couldn't .
I already posted it Jan.