Which part of this phrase did you find unclear? - It was unclear from your post whether your part time wages allowed you to be fully financially independent or not. That was all.What did you want a bank statement?
Compared to millions of genuinely oppressed women in non-Western countries, you are a spoilt woman. You may not like to hear this but it's true.
When did I say I was oppressed? Why do you keep beating that drum. I agreed with Diogenesister that women are used as workhorses in that cult and used my own example and that of people I knew.
Who is it you're talking to when you keep saying you're not opressed, I know okay! I said it's in the history books! How many times!
I find it amusing when feminists talk of strong, independent women, then reach for the smelling salts and cry hate speech the minute somebody 'is rude' to them on line.
Your mate cofty has several times asked people to apologise to him on the forum and no I'm not going to find examples for you. Ask him. I don't go trawling through online to find things to prove my point I leave that to you. Why on earth do you trawl YouTube for vids of talks by feminists?