Wow, I come to meet you on some common ground and have been promoted from an asshole to a liar.
You assume to know me and my intentions, which is amazing. I can't say that I know much about you except for what you post here. If I judged you solely on what you post, I would come to a conclusion that I don't want to put here because I don't want to pretend that I know you.
Since you think you know me, let me give you some actual info about myself:
1) I think all people, from all walks of life and religions, have the same chances as I do to attain to the heaven I believe in.
2) I do not judge anyone; only our Blessed Lord can do so, and I would be a hypocrite to judge anyone since I am far from perfect (this you call fake humility, but you will say what you will say).
3) I do desire dialogue and debate over differences because I think we all have something to gain from one-another.
4) I am not a ninja. From the outset, I have let everyone know that I am Catholic. Why wouldn't I? Do you dare say that you are not biased and have to presuppositions coming onto these forums? You sound rather defensive about your own positions.
5) I truly do not hate, dislike, or want to ridicule anyone not like me. I don't think anyone are assholes or liars because they think a different way than me. I actually am very happy to live in a world where we are so different. Yes, I would love everyone to be Catholic, but I love everyone even though not everyone is Catholic. I know our Blessed Lord loves all, not just those who call themselves "Catholic", "Baptist", "Lutheran", "Muslim", "Jewish", etc., etc.
Basically, it comes down to this: I have two little ones. There is nothing that would cause me to not love them. Why in the world would anyone think God could hate any one of his creation? Certainly, one of my little ones could grow up, hate me, and never speak to me again, which is every person's free will to do with God as well. I am of the belief, in line with my Catholic faith, that it is not how one worships or the many things one does, but it is their love for God and their neighbor that will be rewarded. I believe the Catholic faith is the fullness of this love, but those who don't have it aren't somehow lesser beings.
Try harder rbih. You are far from being hated by me. In fact, the more you lash out at me and others, the more I feel for you and wish you well.