Why don't you read what i said? Maybe you don't need to. Maybe you have a 'gift' for knowledge of such things as the spiritual condition of people.
this is strictly for those who want to know how to become saved.
22 this righteousness from god comes through faith in jesus christ to all who believe.
there is no difference, .
Why don't you read what i said? Maybe you don't need to. Maybe you have a 'gift' for knowledge of such things as the spiritual condition of people.
this is strictly for those who want to know how to become saved.
22 this righteousness from god comes through faith in jesus christ to all who believe.
there is no difference, .
Thanks for judging me as 'out of the faith', whatever that means. Also for explaining why i came to be 'out of the faith'. You are truly a great prophet of the most high god jehovah/jesus! The tremendous insight that you show by reaching these profound conclusions from reading only a few my posts is truly aweinspiring. You must be up there with elijah. Your mindreading ability approaches that of jesus. Praise the lord!
You know more about me and my life than i do myself. You also are on a much higher spiritual level than 'copeland, hinn and their ilk'. If only i had met you while there was still achance of being rescued. Oh sorry, my lack of faith again, with your spiritual powers and higher connections, i'm sure you could rescue a fallen one such as myself. Thankyou so much for even speaking to me, one of the dogs.
When was it that you first met god?
Satan longer feeling the dread of being approved by man (wtbts), only jesus.... (keep it going!
*smile*) longer feeling the dread of being approved by man (WTBTS), or Jesus, or god.
about a week after the september 11th thing when i was feeling devastated and in total despair, i went through an "i give up" phase.. i came out of that phase (or thought i did) with a new gung ho, i ain't gonna take no crap concept of myself.
you probably saw my post about marshall arts.
this was gonna all be part of this new tough, ready to fight, kind of guy.. well, i'm not tough.
The selfdenial you were putting yourself through sounds similar to co-dependence. It's a condition where a person doesn't like himself very much and depends on others for affirmation. It leads to other problems. I have pasted some of the symptoms below. I think everyone has some of these. What is the border to being codependent or not, i don't know. I know i have it, and have gone to a few of their meetings. You can always read more about it on the net. One thing is sure, if one has it and tries to carry on like nothing is wrong, problems from it keep coming back like a pain in the neck.
Some of the characteristics of co-dependent people include:
1.Positive feelings about themselves stem from being liked and accepted by others.
2.Mental attention is focused on solving the problems of others or relieving their pain, and when these goals are accomplished, their self-esteem rises.
3.Co-dependents tend to personalize all that happens around them, seeing everything as being directly related to them.
4.Unless they are externally validated, they have difficulty trusting their own perceptions.
5.Significant others' clothing, personal appearance and behavior are dictated by the co-dependent, as he or she feels that the significant other is a reflection of him or her.
6.Co-dependents have unrealistic expectations of themselves, are unable to accept their own limitations, and use control and manipulation to avoid facing reality.
7.They view themselves as failures when they cannot control everything or meet everyone's expectations.
8.They fear rejection and abandonment, so they feel they must be involved and needed in every aspect of the lives of others. Not to be involved and needed equals abandonment.
9.Co-dependents are not aware of how they feel; they are aware of how others feel. Co-dependents are not aware of what they want; they ask what others want. If they are not aware, they assume.
10.Social circles diminish as they become more involved in their disease.
you are harming loyal jw.
i have been taken a closer look at many of the posters here on this board.
most of you are very critic about the jw and special about doctrines.
Either you're making a little joke here, or you should go back to school and learn about logic and proper spelling.
ok. i finally went and got myself well and truly immersed in the lawful side of being ordained as a religious minister...yes folk, all the legals have been truly investigated and complied with and i can now well and truly start my own church and take weddings and funerals etc.... now...i dont want to be a "reverend".. but i do want to well and truly investigate the entire bible to see what the real message is..and i want to see where i/we go from here.... if any one is serious about pursuing some serious bible discussion...then email me.... thats all the well and trulys for this evening lol
Are you talking about how moses started his religion?
Being leader of a new religion is a super idea. The income, prestige and power potential is only limited by your own desires.It's good to keep as many options open for doctrine, although it can always be changed later. To see some pitfalls to avoid, the bio of l ron hubbard (scientology) is a good guide. Enemies on whom to focus are a definite plus, but since govts can be a real pain, it is better to avoid problems with them.
Acolytes are easy to get as well. Showing a little kindness and concern at the start will attract many. Once you have them, you can slowly apply the screws. The main thing, i think is to remain focused and keep everyone else confused. It's really amazing how gullible many people are as long as they have a commanding figure around which to gather and look up to.
this is strictly for those who want to know how to become saved.
22 this righteousness from god comes through faith in jesus christ to all who believe.
there is no difference, .
Jesus emptied himself to find himself as a man.
You need to empty yourself to find god.
to the average witness, any discord in the world inspires thoughts.
that armageddon is near.
yet, there is a better explanation than.
thanks for those refs. very ineresting. many points i hadn't read elsewhere. one possibility they did not mention was of nicola tesla experimenting with his toys. he did some quite deadly experiments, and one source, i don't have it handy, suggested that he may have been responsible for tunguska. i'm just adding this to the list of other good possibilities.
this is strictly for those who want to know how to become saved.
22 this righteousness from god comes through faith in jesus christ to all who believe.
there is no difference, .
I was once where you are now.
Knowledge puffs up.
Meet god before you die.
my husband and i have a friend who credits the lord with every good thing that happens in his life.
he is really a nice guy, unmarried, no kids and is now in remission from non hodgkins lymphoma (again, credit to the lord).
what do you think about people who credit the lord for every good thing that happens to them?
on the radio: charles stanley, chuck swindal, james macarther, all the time, ok? months, ok? james dobson, the key life guy, the old guy from texas-mcgee. i was in the faithword hagen copeland thing for many months. i have had a lot of 'real' preaching thankyou.
have you met god, rex???? don't quote that no man has seen him at any time. the bible also says many did. have you met god?