Who needs anointing, when you got weed?
i come to this site as my one-stop-shopping guide to scandals and controversy within watchtowerland ( much of which is about as real as world of warcraft).
i'm surprized i haven't read anything about marijuana and 'the truth".. weed is getting legalized all over the place and california, in particular, is loaded with whacked-out witnesses.
since it can be prescribed as a medical treatment (here and there), i imagine the wts might have to do some doctrinal gymnastics to df folks for using it.
Who needs anointing, when you got weed?
one of the authors of the soon to be published history of the watch tower's early years posted a small part of it in "rough draft.
" take a look http://truthhistory.blogspot.com/ .
if you like their work (i think its superior, even in rough draft), give them some encouragement.. .
Download the whole site w winhttrack website copier:)
the city has lost more than half of its population over the last 60 years.
in 1950, the city was the fourth-largest city in the country with a population of nearly 2 million.
today its population is estimated at just under 700,000.. once the industrial powerhouse of america it's now declared bancruptcy.
'what happened? How did things come to this?'
To be fair, its not just capitalists at fault. The unionists thought they had the manufacturing corps by the throat. Lots of strikes, often by people who were already very well paid. The corps fought back w 'free trade'. That let the corps out of the choke hold and the rest is history.
any and every religion that preaches the bible,prints the bible ,distributes the bible and highlights the bible as the word of god ,certainly cannot be called anything but a witness of god,who by all accounts , certainly in mainstream religion recognise the name of god as jehovah / yahweh.. it is not a name that is exclusive to jehovahs witnesses , many christian religions identify with that name.
so jehovah`s witnesses have no reason to boast they are gods chosen people in this 21st century when they clearly cannot be seperated from other religions claiming the same things.in fact their failed"expectations"i purposely do not use the word prophecy when they made their pronouncements that never came to fruition too many to mention here .in fact many other religions have never fallen into the trap the witnesses have in making predictions/expectations that never materialized,.and their have been many.. smiddy.
I think they have more lies than other religions do. Other religions have lies, too, but jws have more. That makes them witnesses to faulsehoods.
the city has lost more than half of its population over the last 60 years.
in 1950, the city was the fourth-largest city in the country with a population of nearly 2 million.
today its population is estimated at just under 700,000.. once the industrial powerhouse of america it's now declared bancruptcy.
'Amazing to contrast with Hiroshima which 65 years ago'
Perhaps, a nuke to do a quick cleanup. So many people, so many buildings, no one wants.
think of all the anxious souls who barely escaped the end of 6,000 years of human existence in 1975. they were saved!.
saved from.... what?.
who were trying to save them?
Success on his second try would quell the doubts of the socalled 'challenge' to gods soveriegnty. No need for all this messiness throughout the earth. If yhwh failed on his second try, that would pretty well clinch that hes a failure and satan was right, as per wt doctrine.
think of all the anxious souls who barely escaped the end of 6,000 years of human existence in 1975. they were saved!.
saved from.... what?.
who were trying to save them?
Simply killing adam, eve and 'satan' in the garden and creating 2 new humans would have been much more humane and effective. It was basically, another roll of the dice for the creator god. By now, the earth would be a perfect paradise, filled w happified perfect people and vegetarian furry animals underfoot, everywhere. Likely, the earths human population would have already reached the level the wt calls full. And so, children would have stopped being produced.
this quote is from an interview with eckhart tolle:.
.. you cannot fulfill the commandments unless you are egoless--and there are very few who are--as all the people who have tried to practice the teachings of christ have found out.
"love your neighbor as yourself" is one of the main teachings of jesus, and you cannot fulfill that commandment, no matter how hard you try, if you don't know who you are at the deepest level.
If you like that, you will also like his other threads.
everyone must have heard the funny about being treated like a mushroom, (kept in the dark- and fed bull-sh*t), so appropriately, news piks have come to hand of king kim iii visiting a mushroom farm:.
this must be his arrival, with his usual detachment of military officers who are always present wherever he goes.
it is not clear whether they protect him or make sure he doesn't say something they don't want him to say.. .
Hes got a cute soldier babe, as a standin for the usual male soldier escorts.
i was listening to the radio, a religous show.. the speaker started talking about how the holy spirit is the third person of the godhead.. they just assume that everyone understands what a godhead is, and it is a manmade term.
that is what makes their point of view so ridiculous.. is it like a godfoot, godear, god elbow?.
they have their scriptures to link the holy spirit with the trinity, and jws have their scriptures to unlink it, and never they two shall meet.. .
The hood of the gods.