Tell them its adventists that want them to come back to the true fold.
one of the authors of the soon to be published history of the watch tower's early years posted a small part of it in "rough draft.
" take a look .
if you like their work (i think its superior, even in rough draft), give them some encouragement.. .
Tell them its adventists that want them to come back to the true fold.
perhaps, you're a fan of tv, perhaps, you're not.
maybe, you like some aspects of it and not others.. my favorite tv hates are 'news', and commercials.
i always mute the commercials.
Have you checked out h2? I don't remember on which channel it is. Agree w you on mtv.
in a speech that is considered one of the most personal given by the president, or any past president, president obama speaks about treyvon martin being him 35 years agoand- violence, prejudice, the reach and limits of the states and the federal government, and the soul searching to follow.
he, the president, invokes martin luther king's- 'the content of character' quote to spark a healthy debate in this country..
Unti they address the parasitic bankers that bleed the system, its just prattle for the masses.
perhaps, you're a fan of tv, perhaps, you're not.
maybe, you like some aspects of it and not others.. my favorite tv hates are 'news', and commercials.
i always mute the commercials.
Honeybooboo. O god, i just happened to stumble across a bit of that. I also had significant brain loss in just seconds:(
i come to this site as my one-stop-shopping guide to scandals and controversy within watchtowerland ( much of which is about as real as world of warcraft).
i'm surprized i haven't read anything about marijuana and 'the truth".. weed is getting legalized all over the place and california, in particular, is loaded with whacked-out witnesses.
since it can be prescribed as a medical treatment (here and there), i imagine the wts might have to do some doctrinal gymnastics to df folks for using it.
I don't understand how it opens you to demons if you smoke it without a prescription. Yet, if you have a prescription, the demons don't bother w you. Why do demons care of you have a prescription, or not?
Same w morphene. If you are dying w cancer, demons don't bother you even though youre totally wacked out there on morphene. But, if youre in perfect health, and do morphene, the demons gonna getchuu.
perhaps, you're a fan of tv, perhaps, you're not.
maybe, you like some aspects of it and not others.. my favorite tv hates are 'news', and commercials.
i always mute the commercials.
Dazed - thanks for that on vudu.
perhaps, you're a fan of tv, perhaps, you're not.
maybe, you like some aspects of it and not others.. my favorite tv hates are 'news', and commercials.
i always mute the commercials.
Those are good hates. Keep em coming.
At a friends' place, i saw that w the 'news'. Its like soap opera.
GOT - 'Over the top gore, lots of nekkid girls and simulated sex.'
Nothing worse than simlated sex:) Don't like gore, iether. A little realistic violence/action w either martial arts or cool weapons is great - ala the first matrix.
i mentioned i was cleaning the forum archive when i bumped this thread by oompa:.
damm i miss jwd...this place will always be jwd to me.... rather than turn that into a discussion of the archive, i'll answer slimboyfat's concern here.. the things i'm clearing up are either:.
time specific and non jw related (e.g.
Hey, i just upgraded from win2000 to xp!
perhaps, you're a fan of tv, perhaps, you're not.
maybe, you like some aspects of it and not others.. my favorite tv hates are 'news', and commercials.
i always mute the commercials.
Perhaps, you're a fan of tv, perhaps, you're not. Maybe, you like some aspects of it and not others.
My favorite tv hates are 'news', and commercials. I always mute the commercials. Some ads i find disgusting are the feebreaze ones, where they blindfold people and set them down in the midst of garbage. There are other disgusting ones, that is just one example.
What passes for news is, isn't news in the old fashioned sense of a fair coverage of what is going on the world, as it is an organ of the big corps and govts to direct the peoples' attentions to where and what those corps and govts want. Then, also, to apply the correct view/attitude of those corps and govts to those 'news'.
As well, lastly, the news corps need ratings. And so, they are greatful for every calamity which has the potential for broad appeal. They exploit those calamities in order to maximize their air time and ratings.
My relationship w tv is love hate. I love a lot of the history, nature, techno and diy programs. Also, some of the movies. If i didn't need tv, i wouldn't have anything to say about this subject.
just mulling over the demise of religion in general as we humans progress away from fear of the unknown.. i was wondering when some country or group will try to outlaw religion.
then i recalled how an all out attack on religion is what is supposed to trigger armageddon.
after 9/11 the first thing george bush said was that islam is not the problem, extremist terrorists are the problem.
Generally, the nonreligious are more tolerant than the religious are. So, for nonreligious to ban religious is unlikely. 'Course, you can't argue w an idea like god taking control of their minds, making them like puppets and forcing them to ban or kill off religious people.
Since the wtgod doesn't exist, though, it aint gonna happen. The wt corp has a 100% failure rate for getting its pretended god to do what it wants him to do. There is a 100% chance that this perfect record will continue.