I wasn't there. But, from everything that i have read, heard and seen, for many at woodstock 1969, it was a spiritual experience. They transcended the mud and rain and felt a deeper connection to nature and eachother.
religion is for people who are scared to go to hell.
spirituality is for people who have already been there.
- bonnie raitt .
I wasn't there. But, from everything that i have read, heard and seen, for many at woodstock 1969, it was a spiritual experience. They transcended the mud and rain and felt a deeper connection to nature and eachother.
the priest acted as if he was the reason why people were there.
he was about 80 and totally disinterested in the affair although he married the deceased and her husband 15 years earlier.. his sermon's gist was that we need faith to accept that the reason why god has us die is so that we can go to heaven.
and that's it.. the only interesting (touching) time was when the grandkids gave testimonials about their beloved grandma.. oh, and one more thing.
Lots of things are rituals. Meals together, as families is a ritual. We pick our rituals.
religion is for people who are scared to go to hell.
spirituality is for people who have already been there.
- bonnie raitt .
People tend to jump from existence of spirit to the need for a god made of spirit. Thats like saying that since we have a police force, therefore, there must be a galactic police force.
The standard god idea is an animal product, not a spiritual one. He is the penultimate alpha animal image - super power, super smart, is everywhere, and is male.
religion is for people who are scared to go to hell.
spirituality is for people who have already been there.
- bonnie raitt .
Spiritual, to me, has nothing to do w worship or purpose. It springs a deeper level than pure thought. Pure thought is from the part of the mind that fabricates. It can be good or bad. Good, as in scientific exploration based on observation and experiment. Bad, as in theology.
A deeper level is to alter the brain state in order to stop thought and merely become 0bservant, without judging. It's being more aware of what your mind is doing and your surroundings. It has served me well while driving in that i may have avoided accidents. As well, walking among crowds, it has helped me avoid problems. My mind could have distracted me from what was going on, if my mind had been engaged in thought. Instead, it was in nuetral, on stand by.
The spiritual, or being more aware, as i like to call it has practical applications as well as esoteric ones.
religion is for people who are scared to go to hell.
spirituality is for people who have already been there.
- bonnie raitt .
I find that spirituality brings me closer to nature. I find myself seeing many of the animals as brothers: the hawk skillfully riding the wind as it looks for its food. I also work skilfully, to get my food, for example. The grass, each blade strives for its share of sunlight and moisture, as i strive for my needs. Another example. We are part of nature, products of nature. Our cycles; nature and ours, are similar, n many ways.
Religion tends to divorce people from nature. It tells them that they are better than it, special, above nature. In religion, nature is to be dominated, rather than danced w, so to speak.
the problem with reality is.
.it is too real.. reality stings.. reality is a headache.. a bit of fantasy and diversion is about all the aspirin you can take to deflect the throbbing ache of reality.. fantasy?
maybe "magic" is a better choice of words.. daydream when you're bored at work?.
Reality hits harder, when you have carefully avoided it for most of your life, as jws are taught to do.
the problem with reality is.
.it is too real.. reality stings.. reality is a headache.. a bit of fantasy and diversion is about all the aspirin you can take to deflect the throbbing ache of reality.. fantasy?
maybe "magic" is a better choice of words.. daydream when you're bored at work?.
i wish some enlightened billionaire would fund more studies of these "ageless animals".
evolution could tell us how to stop aging almost completely.
i wish some enlightened billionaire would fund more studies of these "ageless animals".
evolution could tell us how to stop aging almost completely.
It must be a very wise clam. Will it divulge the secret, or will it clam up?
i finally came to the realization that i am ugly.
i'm 28 years old and never had a girlfriend.
women pay me absolutely no attention when i'm in public.
Danny trejo is one of the uggliest dudes around. Girls still like him. Could be cuz he's a famous actor, could be cuz he's got a few bucks. Whatever. He is a hard worker. He's in good shape.
Think about improving yourself: go to the gym, learn stuff, refuse to think negatively about yourself.