'did you know their is one image jehovah aproves of! read hebrews 1/1-6 yup jesus christ!'
'now i dont mean its ok to make a statue of jesus cause nobody knows what he looks like!'
The oxymoronic image.
to j.w idols are a no no,jehovah detests graven images!
but did you know their is one image jehovah aproves of!
read hebrews 1/1-6 yup jesus christ!
'did you know their is one image jehovah aproves of! read hebrews 1/1-6 yup jesus christ!'
'now i dont mean its ok to make a statue of jesus cause nobody knows what he looks like!'
The oxymoronic image.
i hope the link works....it's on dailygalaxy anyway and deals with the mystery of how plants seem to make decisions.. rather than choose between atheism or theism, i choose pantheism - that the universe has a degree of consciousness distributed thruout it, perhaps even down to the quantum level.
we can call this background of a maintained cosmos "god" if we want.
I am in this camp, too. Playing w the words and their exact meanings is a going back to religion and then, theology. The reality is all around us, imo. Until it is explored to a much greater extent, terms can wait (unless you wanna learn sanskrit. I don't.).
when our cong turned on us like a mob of angry villagers with pitchforks there was no one in our corner.
our crime mainly being we were not local and the local "hood" did not like outsiders.
the circut o/seer (also not local) was very familiar with mafia style antics of the local body and its problems but was at a loss as to what if anything could be done about it for fear he too may end up in the river with cement shoes (metaphorically of course).. the guy while being sympathetic to our plight basically said "be warm and well fed"and set off to a new assignment interstate.. well he rang up out of the blue to see "how we got on" and to "find out if any action was taken by the branch to investigate ".
Jay hoovers celestial chariot was in the garage for repairs.
one of the things that keeps me going is thinking about the things my family and i will be able to do once we are all out, together, and free at last.
(and we will be out together, i'm staying positive!).
i soooo look forward to christmas.
For me, it was going to churches. I was going to find the true christianity!
lots of leaflet campaigns this year.. 1. leaflet campaign to invite people to the memorial.
2. district convention invitations.. 3. campaign to advertise jw.org in august.. .
doesn't leave much time for conversations..
They sound like addvertisment delivery services, ie, junk mail campaigns.
maybe i am ignorant but why why why pray tell.
if i am not jewish and not of the 144k why is it necessary (compulsory even) for me to attend the memorial ?.
what is the scriptural precedent?.
If you are really buddies w jesus, you don't need no stinking memorial. The memorial is for psudoes, poseurs and wannabes.
was getting some food when a u2 song came on.
i'm not a huge fan but i like some of their songs.
i noticed that the lyrics of their songs exude more emotion and spirituality that bland kingdom melodies.
when i left the jw organization, there were about 80 publishers in my congregation.
within the last month, the congregation was abolished because it only had 29 publishers in it.
the apparent reason for this was one elder on a power trip.
RIP, wt congregation xxx.
Yokel gots the smarts.