Here is the list of scriptures that describe jesus and god with the same terms. It is not complete (what is?), but you may get something useful from it for argueing w jws.
Created stuff jehovah by himself isa44:24, 45:5,7,12, 48:13, neh9:6
jesus john1:3,4, col1:15,16, heb1:2,10
Saviour god tit1:3.2:13, isa43:11, lk1:47, 1tim1:1, 2:3, ps106:21. Hos13:4. Isa45:21
Jesus tit1:4 acts4:12 lk2:11 jude25 1tim1:10 tit2:13, 3:6 rom10:9 acts2:21
Glory jehovah isa6:3 24:23
Jesus ias24:23nwt crossref isa6:1 john17:10 heb13:21
Mighty god jehovah deut7:21 ps2:8 isa10:21 jer32:18
Jesus isa9:6
Father jehovah isa64:8
Jesus isa9:6 john14:9,10
Path made for jehovah isa40:3-5
Jesus mt3:3
First & last god rev1:8 isa48:12,41:4,44:16
Jesus rev22:12,13, 2:8, 1:17
Beginning god rev1:8
Jesus rev22:13 rev21:6??
Coming god hos6:3
Our hope god--
Jesus 1tim1:1
Same forever jehovah --
Jesus heb13:8
Almighty god-
Jesus mt28:18
Must believe on god john14:1
Jesus john14:1
Answers prayer god--
Jesus john14:14 lk10:17 acts7:59-60
Must serve god-
Jesus rom16:18 col3:21 rev1:6, 5:12
From times indefinite god ps90:2
Jesus mic5:2 pr8:23
Leads heavens armies god isa1:24,3:15,5:16etc jer2:19 zech1:3,4,6etc mal1:4,6,8,9etc
Jesus rev19:13,14 josh5:14,15
Binds satan michael rev12:7
God isa24:21,22
Jesus rev21:1-3
Was pierced god zec12:10
Rock god ex17:6 isa17:10,8:14 2sam22:32 deut32:4
Jesus 1cor10:4 isa8:14 1pet2:6
Judge jehovah gen18:24 joel3:12
Jesus 2tim4:1,2 2cor5:10 rom14:10 john5:22 acts10:42
Light god mic7:8 isa60:20 ps27:1
Jesus john8:12,1:9 lk2:32
God ps136:1-3 deut10:17
Jesus rev17:14,19:16 1tim6:14-16
Power of god god
Jesus 1cor1:24
Holy spirit rom15:13,19
Fills god jer23:24
Jesus eph1:23
Holy spirit
Saved, led israel god neh9:9-14
Jesus 1cor10:1-4
Gave laws to moses god neh9:9-14
Jesus jas4:12-one lawgiver
Reads hearts god 1kings8:39-alone
Jesus rev2:23 mt9:4,12:25 lk6:8,47
Shepherd god ps23:1 isa40:10-11
Jesus john10:11
Stone of stumbling god -8:13-14
Jesus 1pet2:6-8
Redeemer god ps130:8
Jesus tit2:13,14
Should not put to test god -
Jesus 1cor10:9
All things through and for
God heb2:10
Jesus col1:16 john1:3
Jehovah shares glory w no one isa41:8, 48:11
Jesus is/has gods glory rev15:24 heb1:3 rev5:12-14