One should only do this while in a positive mind frame. You were probably dwelling on satan instead of jesus or god. You get what you think. Fear and anger would cause bad effects. One must want jesus or god or whatever while doing this.
i know what is missing from my life, it is an individual that deep inside i know i have been yearning to know, but never know how to ask if he'll accept me as a friend.
i do not know how to find him cos i feel so worthless inside.. how do i share my life with jesus?.
One should only do this while in a positive mind frame. You were probably dwelling on satan instead of jesus or god. You get what you think. Fear and anger would cause bad effects. One must want jesus or god or whatever while doing this.
i know what is missing from my life, it is an individual that deep inside i know i have been yearning to know, but never know how to ask if he'll accept me as a friend.
i do not know how to find him cos i feel so worthless inside.. how do i share my life with jesus?.
Well, since only one of our resident christians has responded, i'll make a suggestion that might allow you to meet him in person. Seat yourself in a comfy chair. Smoke half a joint, then say jesus, jesus is lord, or something to that effect over and over for about 20 minutes. And don't worry about jesus, nothing makes him angry. Let me know how it goes.
seems like the pope is going berserk and blessing everything in sight!.
here's the full story:.
Bring him to afghanistan, point him at the taliban. He'll conquor them in no time without spilling a drop of blood. We need more religious leaders like him. I can see the headline, 'MILTON HENSCHEL BLESSES PLANE is DFD'.
Just my imagination runnung ahead.
would any former elders like to share their experiences serving on judicial committees?
were your decisions subjective?
do you feel that the "system" works?
So much for the myth that it's a perfect org made up of imperfect people.
some will remember the 1960's wt & awake doom prophecies.
one of them was that the world was simply getting too crowded for civilization to survive.
taiwan's population density .
Immigrants will come from less affluent areas, such as africa, asia, eastern europe. In about 150 years canada and the us will be thouroughly chocolatized. In other words, whites people will have practically passed out of existence.
hello all, i think you will find this interesting:.
well the meeting took place and i have to say it had a few surprises.
one of the biggest surprises was that it was truly non-confrontational in every respect.
You did great freeman. Somrtimes less is more. The elder uses the tactic of agreeing to everything, then attempting an end run. He's a lying weasely bastard.
it was on last night's show.. what was your opinion?.
Maybe nytel should get the spiritual cleansing services of tompoole or rex.
note this gem from the 1999 january kingdom ministry:.
make good use of older books.
1 man has stored away millions of old books in libraries in every corner of the earth.
Maybe the wt wants these books gone from their members. The 'old truths' could stumble a jw, but once in the hands of worldlings, they will never be read.
it was on last night's show.. what was your opinion?.
A good hypnotherapist can do exorcisms. See: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/092991516X/qid=1005762546/sr=1-3/ref=sr_1_8_3/103-7633504-0993430
on one of the you know threads you know refuted the oft quipped line here that jehovah will destroy 99.9% of humans at armageddon.
he said that in actuality the king of the north would be doing the destroying and that jehovah would be stopping it short before it annihilated all mankind.. this was news to me.. my understanding was.. 1. peace and security declared.
2. false religion destroyed.
100% of those who still feel even a trace of attraction to women will be exterminated. See mt5:28