'He proved Himself God in the flesh by His resurrection'
REX Do you believe jesus was resurected in the flesh? If so, it would seem that the simplest thing would be for jesus to appear to each of his followers, have a little talk, a coffee, a beer, whatever, just like he did w his followers. Remember, he cooked them breakfast? Is that too much to ask from a real live physical leader like jesus? Whats w all this coyness? I would think that being the gregarious people lover that he is, he would like nothing better than to spend the evening around the campfire singing songs w his worshippers, or roaming the streets w societys lowest level citizens like he did 2 milleniums ago. Rex, there is something wrong w your theology.
You claim he proved divinity in the flesh. That is based on words written 20-70 years after the fact. That isn't proof. It is words. Appearing physically to each born again follower is proof. Amen.