I went to a unitarian church one time. I enjoyed it. I just happened to hit one where they had a music presentation. It was very professional. Afterward they had a coffee/cookie thing. I found out that many in the choir weren't even members, just friends of the music director. The interior decor was really good, kind of futuristic. Unitarian is the most highly educated religion. I agreed w their approch toward 'holy writings'. It is something to the effect, of taking what you like from all of them. That is what i do. But i'm not a follower or joiner or a meeting attender. After the first codependence meeting, i had to force myself to go. I havn't been for a while. Don't need a church, thanx.
I went to some kind of spiritualist church once. I'm not sure what type exactly.
I was meditating quite regularly for a while. That seems to be THE main thing to do.
For deprogramming, ray franz, penton, schnell and some of the other x's were primary. Researching some of the finer bible points in libraries such as the presbeterian, catholic and mcgill religious. For instance, the 'de cruce libre' that the wt uses for one picture in their bible. At the grande seminaire in montreal, they allowed me to photocopy every single picture from some really old copy. The wt lied like a sidewalk about that book. According to that book, there were at least a dozen diferent shapes of timbers to which offenders were fixed.
I studied a bit in some bible commentaries from the anchor bible association, new jerome biblical commentary, john mccarther commentary on matthew, a baptist biblical theology book. Mccarthers enterpretations of the matthew parables was a lot better than the wt versions.