Heard it being discussed on radio, the reason we are still all here is because 'really , it wasnt that it was wrong, it was just that the date was the start of a new beginning and not the end of everything'...
JoinedPosts by vangogh
Jehovah's Witnesses Governing Body for Peace Prize 2013!- "Over 100 years in the service of peace."
by Most Noble inthe current members of the governing body and their predecessors have for over one hundred years contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, theodemocracy and human rights in more than 200 countries... on this account, the norwegian nobel committee has decided to nominate the governing body of jehovah's witnesses in 2013 for the nobel peace price.
read more here.
http://nobelpeaceprize.org/ .
i take it that the nobel commitee obviously dont count all the people who have died, the broken families, the mental illness plus all the other things that the 'WBTS' have been responsible for, all that goes for nothing.
The January 1st Watchtower Admits That JWs Have Been Wrong As To Their Expectations Of The End!...but
by minimus inthey excuse it by saying, it's ok since at least they were on the watch.. i believe they should think about god's view of watchmen who constantly gave false pronouncements.
they would be judged accordingly by god!.
what they also need to do is to admit to all the damage that they have been the cause of in peoples lives. broken marraiges, loss of a person's chance of further education and all the other crap that they have fed to people thats caused so much damage,yes and lost lives too.
RIP Sir Patrick Moore
by Chariklo invery, very sad to learn of the death of sir patrick moore.
i've been following his programme the sky at night ever since the first one.
he started my lifelong interest in astronomy, and is partly responsible for my sons' careers.. wonderful enthusiasm!.
when i was in my early teens I bought 'The Observers Book of Astronomy' written by Sir Patrick, I still cherish that book, was the start of a life long interest in astronomy. Thank You Sir Patrick! You have introduced so many to Astronomy and helped opened our minds to the universe. The universe is yours now .God Bless.
1975 - A weak argument?
by Christ Alone ini posted this on an older thread, but i wanted to get an honest opinion about this from all of you.
i think taking the 1975 approach with a jw is...weak.
was it wrong (and false prophetic) of them?
Leavingwt, that is the very article in the 22nd/may/1969 that i would point anybody who doubted the society's 1975 prophecy. I gave up my further education along with many others on the basis of that article, how could I not believe it to be true?, It was spiritual food coming from God through his appointed channel on earth. We were continualy told from the platforms of kingdom halls and conventions that the society publications were spiritual food from god. Also when you read the article you will see that what the article says seams to be all backed up by scripture, how could anybody back then not believe. When 1975 came and went with nothing happening, we were then told that it was us who had all taken it the wrong way, that it was our faults. Please anybody and everybody read that article 'What Future for the Young' in May 22nd 1969 Awake. Dont try find it on the Watchtower web site though , oh no sir. that particular piece of 'God's spiritual food' has been deemed by mere men not fit for us to see. I truely wonder what Jesus will be thinking about these men who said such things and not just any men, men who said that Jesus chose them because they were the only true hearted men suitable to be Jesus's channel on earth. Would truely hearted men allow such misleading articles and the personal damage that was done to people and their lives because of them being published world wide? No!! These articles were published with the full knowledge of the governing body at the time, they knew exactly what they were doing. Anybody who has any doubts please read that awake article of may 22nd 1969!
The Watchtower Penitentiary
by stuckinamovement inlearning the truth about the watchtower society can be very painful for a number of reasons.
first, it is so disconcerting to realize that the core of your existence and the foundations of your beliefs are false that it can throw you for a real loop.
as witnesses we are so confident in all of the answers we have been given, to questions that we never asked, that we mentally put ourselves up on a pedestal above the masses of poor, blind, wicked humanity.
What a marvelous post SIAM, thoughts are with you.
Vangogh, Welcome to the board!!!
by ziddina ini'd just like to say hello and welcome to one of our newest members, vangogh.... though he [she?
] hasn't posted a "hello" thread yet, here is his first post with a mini-autobiography.... http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/240404/1/all-things-given-to-us.
cobaltcupcake , yes, so many did and many cashed in their pensions and insurances too. I did find out, not too long ago that the congregation overseer at the time (it was before the elder system was set up) while telling us that we didnt need insurance or pensions for old age for the future, did himself keep his own pension going. When it did mature and pay out, it was a great deal of money. There were a few others who took up careers in the insurance industry, that is something i could never understand at the time. They did well too and are living a comfortable life now.All the ones that I know that did well out of these jobs , in the congregation i was in,were the ones that preached the most about the coming of armageddon and how we wouldnt need any insurance or pensions , just goes to show. Just like the WTBS at the time, telling us all about armageddon being imminent while at the same time were buying property and playing the stockmarket.
Vangogh, Welcome to the board!!!
by ziddina ini'd just like to say hello and welcome to one of our newest members, vangogh.... though he [she?
] hasn't posted a "hello" thread yet, here is his first post with a mini-autobiography.... http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/240404/1/all-things-given-to-us.
mamochan, yes its an awful feeling and hard to describe to anyone who hasnt experienced it, although I know many in here have. Its something that is hard to recover from but thankfully it is possible. Posting in here helps too and in doing so, i'm sure it helps many others to get over those feelings, I know it has helped me even though i'v only posted a few times, as yet.
Thanks strawberry, cocoa and everyone else for your welcome
Vangogh, Welcome to the board!!!
by ziddina ini'd just like to say hello and welcome to one of our newest members, vangogh.... though he [she?
] hasn't posted a "hello" thread yet, here is his first post with a mini-autobiography.... http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/240404/1/all-things-given-to-us.
Hi everyone and thankyou for the welcome, I'm sorry I should have said hello. I'v been following all the discussions and never thought to say hello before i posted.Again sorry. This is such a great place and at least in here we are believed when we share our experiences because so many others have had the same experiences.
The WTBS knew very well the effects these 'prophecies' would have on the witnesses and none of these Watchtower or Awake articles would never have been published without the societys approval. I was caught up in the 1975 time , there was no talk about it not going to happen, and yes, I heard it from the platform both in the kingdom hall and the conventions 'That no man knows the day or the hour' but back then in the late 60's and the run up to 1975, they meant it literally, 'the day or the hour'. not the way its meant now, If anyone did have doubts about what was being taught they certainly kept those thoughts to themselves. Any person outspoken about the WTBS' 'prophecy' back then, i'm sure would have ' spoken to, to say the least' Every thing taught from the platform back then was backed up from scripture, thats how we knew it was the truth. A wise and loving person always considers what they are going to say to a person and how their words will effect them, if a person or persons doesnt think before they utter words they are foolish, especially people who say they were chosen by Jesus. Jesus would never have appointed people who would say these things to be said in His name, what was taught back then was wrong and did a lot of harm to many. The Bible is quite clear in its warning about people who say such things and the Bible is our authority not men, whoever they claim to be. They are people who think they can say what they want regardless of the effect of their words, they have a lot to answer for..Woe Betide Them!!