We have our candles lit here in Tampa for those we know who are victims but too afraid to speak up!!
Posts by Salud
candlelight vigil
by Mulan inbill bowen's candlelight vigil is starting in 15 minutes.
i have my candle ready to light!!!.
marilyn (aka mulan).
Benton Kentucky Press Conference
by silentlambs in31 silentlambs were present for the press conference on the courthouse steps in benton, ky. reporters from five news media recorded information for various news sources.
the weekend newspapers should be interesting to read.. silentlambs .
press conference opening statement:.
What an interview...
We can all be thankful that the truth is finally being exposed...
Thank you for your courage and for having the heart to do what was right...
Thank you NBC for covering this story which affects so many lives....
Jehovahs Witness strip-preaches
by bboyneko ini heard this on the radio today, it apparantly occured in maryland.
a jw at a bus-stop got arrested while preaching to some kids.
it wasn't the preaching that got him arrested but the fact that he removed his clothes.
Dazed and Confused,
Good point. Nothing like doing your homework, lets not Ass u me... -
by silentlambs inthe wheels of the watchtower termination squad grind on.
at 4:45 p.m. today barbara anderson was contacted by the chairman of her previous judicial committee from last week.
barb was asked to meet with a new judicial hearing to face new charges which are adjusted as follows:.
There is no justice in JW judicial committee hearing. It is ilegal and a violation of your civil rights. Is that why attorneys are not allowed?
The Society will say and print one thing, but will do another. You can say you were wrong and and say you are sorry and repentant but they will still disfellowship you. Even in Barbara's case what sin has she committed? Is standing up for victims rights and protecting children a sin nowadays?
What the Society is trying to do here is to shut Barbara up and not have other JW's listen to her. It is a witchhunt similar to what happened at Bethel with Ray Franz, Edward Dunlap, and others.
by silentlambs inthe wheels of the watchtower termination squad grind on.
at 4:45 p.m. today barbara anderson was contacted by the chairman of her previous judicial committee from last week.
barb was asked to meet with a new judicial hearing to face new charges which are adjusted as follows:.
It's funny when something is wrong with the organization that we need to wait on Jehovah, but if Barbara Anderson gets DF'd, then Jehovah is keeping the organization clean.Why can't they wait on Jehovah in this case instead of hastily trying to get rid of Barbara. What's the rush?
Right on Barbara and don't back down from them!!
4 more days till I leave the Watchtower
by Leander inin a few more days i'll be making my departure from the wts, part of me is relieved and yet another part of me is dreading the drama i'll be going through shortly.
i've been trying to prepare myself for the deluge of questions that i know are sure to come from my family.
my wife will be the first person i tell obviously and then i'll tell my mother and younger brother.
It takes much courage to take the stand you are taking, and I laud you for it. Be aware like anything that goes contrary to popular belief you will suffer for it. I have been shunned by members of my family and 'very good friends'. But the more we are away from the BS the more convinced we are of our decision not to go back. I would suggest in your letter to write that you are relinquishing your assignments for personal reasons. Don't say no more. Don't give them much to question you on. When Jesus was being questioned by the pharisees on his last nite he remained completely silent. Good lead to take.
Take care and best wishes. -
Its not a religion, its a business
by joelbear inthink about it.. you have to be interviewed (baptismal prep questions).
you have to enter a contract (the two baptismal questions).
everyone has a job description and job requirements (ministerial servants, elders, co, po, pioneer, publisher).
You know all this started with Nathan H. Knorr. He was an oranization man. It has been said of him that that he could have run any business or organization in the world and made it successful. It is interesting to note that in one of R. Franz's books he mentions that if Knorr wasn't a JW that he would have wanted to run a large department store like Macy's. Well the structure of a business like Macy's was incorporated into the Society. You have your board of directors (governing body) You had a president. You have an R & D dept. (writing/publishing). You have your CO's and DO's who go around and check on all the stores (congregations), much like a District manager in large retail companies. You have your various schools (seminars) to help increase sales (publishers). I had noticed how lately the Society was pushing for CO's to really look into the congregation accounts to make sure everything was in order, and to have the best man in that department. What really bothered me though was how one can devote all his life to the Borg and not have anything to show for it. I remember a CO by the name of Robert Lee who was Df'd after over 25 years in full time service. He was left with nothing!! He was strugling to find a job at over age 50. His poor wife had to go to work to help support them. How sad. Even for those who serve at Bethel, they better hope that if they are lifer's they don't screw up or otherwise they are on the streets. No retirement, no pension, but keep your eye simple and give everything you have to the Society!!
Will silentlambs Be DF???
by silentlambs inwell now we have it, what appears to be the pre-emptive strike from wt.. as of this friday three families who appeared on the dateline program have been informed judicial committees have been setup with a one week notice and it is alleged that they have been causing "divisions" within the organization.
i got my letter today, barbara anderson got hers yesterday and the other family earlier this week.. if you were a pr firm would you think it to be a good idea or a bad idea to df everyone a couple of weeks before the dateline program airs?
what do you think the american public will think of such a move?.
Would it not be better for all three parties concerned to *not* meet with the committee's. Why give them the satisfaction of disfellowshipping you after a judicial meeting. Don't give them that pleasure. Better if you don't meet and they disfellowship you unjustly, it would be bad PR on their part. We have been telling many friends re. you and your website and that it is run by an elder, and that you are *not* disfellowhipped. You should see their eyes light up. What this will do is give the Society the satisfaction of now referring to your site as an apostate site or one run by a disgruntled opposer. It will close an audience who was still willing to listen. I can see their strategy. I know the inevitable, but don't make it easy for them. Appeal all the way to the Society. My appeal from the first judicial meeting to the response from the Society took 2 1/2 months. Stall them as long as you can, at least until Dateline airs. Many witnesses we spoken too are going to watch esp. because your still a witness. Hopefully we can ride this out as far as we can. Good luck!! -
First Post
by Decimus inhi everyone.while i have lurked on this board for some time this is my very first post.
the main reason for my reluctance to post has been the fact that my job keeps me pretty busy - however i have enjoyed the board so much i felt i would love to be a more tangible presence and have decided to take the plunge.
i will give more details of my background later.
Shhhhhhh... no one is suppose to know I am here
Part I - Why Believe In God?
by jst2laws inwhy believe in god?
the following are only my thoughts open for comments.
i have not formulated these thoughts into convictions but i will say these are my beliefs at this point in my spiritual growth.
We are the only creation that has a spiritual side, that we can think in a spriritual sense and look to the heaven and yell 'God help me' says something about the unique way we are created. Can we attest such sprituality to let say our pet dog or cat, or the cow grazing in the field as we drive by, do we ever think to ourselves if by chance that cow is spiritual, or that it looks to the heavens and thanks God for the grass it is grazing?
To limit our beliefs to things proven or seen I believe limits ourselves in our understanding of this world and of who we are. If we lived let say 700 years ago would we have believed like everyone else in the common idea that the earth was flat. Sure, eventually the earth was proven round. How long did it take though. And the fact that it had not been proven at one point did that make the earth flat then? How much of what we do or do not know has yet to be proven? Can we say what happens when we die? So does that mean that unless someone returns and 'proves' it to us life after death does not exist? Just some few things to ponder and meditate on (btw, something animals cannot do)