I'm sorry but this was a blunder on Trump's part IMO. We are not the world's police. We need to mind our own damn business. One thing about South Korea is, never gets involved in middle east wars. The United States under the warmongering Bush stupidly and presumptuously started a war in Iraq over invisible weapons of mass destruction in 2003. Yes failed intel. Now this same intel community says Assad is responsible for gassing his own people? Who benefits from this? Assad? He would have to be absolutely insane to have gassed his own people now, two days after the US said Assad was not a priority or concern. He would surely have known that the whole world would bomb him out of existence! ISIS benefits greatly from setting up Assad. ISIS does indeed have Sarin gas. They could have used it to set up Assad. That makes the most sense. Say what you will but I'm going with Occam's Razor on this.
Remember, we went into Iraq based on intel that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. In all reality, we went there for oil. Don't be fooled.