Number of Muslims protesting London terrorist attack = negligible.
Number of Muslims who protested the Danish paper's cartoons = many thousands world-wide, lots of flag-burning, embassy burning, proclamations of death to the West, violence, and the odd murder or two.
More Muslims protested about a f**king cartoon than protested about a lunatic who ran over pedestrians and stabbed a police officer to death. That's shameful.
Kpop's thread is a good one and his point remains ...
Thank you LUHE. Actually that of course is the point of this entire thread but it was lost on those with their biases showing and their heads up their asses. Thank you for mentioning the cartoon as well. Muslims worldwide came out to protest a cartoon but a terrorist attack that killed people that is indeed 100% in the name of Islam is NOT protested says everything. My example was in France, hundreds of Muslims came out and blocked the streets and protested just two days after the attack to protest the closure of an illegal Mosque. That is correct, a Mosque that was deemed illegal by a court for various infractions was closed and hundreds of Muslims came out to protest that..... but how many came out to protest this attack? To make things worse, on the Arabic news feed of the attack in London, hundreds of "ordinary Muslims" laughed and celebrated and cheered the attacks saying things like "Praise Allah for he has punished the infidels" and "We need more lone wolves to attack the infidels in the name of Allah!"
But of course the left says, "this has nothing to do with Islam..." I still noticed that none of the usual defenders here dared to touch that video because it says everything we need to know. It reminds me of a meme I saw floating around that had a radical Muslim holding a knife and suicide vest chanting "death to Americans and Jews KILL KILL KILL infidels!" and in the next frame on CNN a reporter saying, "he doesn't really mean that!" I don't understand the infatuation with defending the most dangerous of ideologies on earth....