But this guy on 4chan, and I am still not seeing any links, he is the real anonymous, and we know his method of using "metadata" (which you haven't explained yet and which I doubt you have the foggiest clue about) has been proven to work because...?
First, this isn't just any guy. He's got a lot of cred. Second, there are no links I can post here LOL. If you even knew WTF I was talking about then you wouldn't ask for links! LOLOLOL Third, it's Anonymous, duh!
My dear, that proves it. He has elite skills that are at least equal to a teenage girl with a smartphone...
LOLOL Oh, I'm enjoying this! I should be out driving home but I'm enjoy this comedy. I'm like literally LMFAO!
Okay so you don't KNOW what the metadata is, but you KNOW it is real? Please explain how that works.
Did someone tell you that?
I don't know it's for real but they don't put their cred up for nothing.