People who are born in have this illusion almost an ignorance of the world. Just do what the WT says and everything will be ok. The world does not work that way. Life has a way of throwing curve balls at you. A born in person is conditioned not to care about this life, screw studying ( do home schooling when you can), forget about college, don't aspire to grow in your job, forget about wanting leadership positions because they will all take away time from the WT. Everything revolves around the WT and their interpretations of what reality is. You are made to actually believe we are in the end of times, something that is so ridiculous to a non JW that one struggles keeping a straight face when they mention that. The best analogy might be the man behind the curtain in the wizard of oz but more malicious, thats the WT JW org.
Yes a person born in lacks social skills which becomes apparent when interacting with them. They are not bad people just misguided sheep lead astray by a false shepherd. One conversation i found interesting was a brother was recalling how he wanted to follow his dream in direction X but knowing it would need college and all of his time felt guilty that it would drive him away from Jehovah and at the end choose not to follow his dream. I remember staying quiet, thats when one sees the control this organization cult has. How a person would give up his dream because it would take away time from going door to door. Something i found so crazy but they where conditioned to think this way and this was a more progressive person, not a fanatical follower which i have dealt with.
I think one is always better off as a worldly person. The caveat is that as a worldly person we are in charge of our life our destiny. To many that is seen as something impossible and that fear leads them to the WT JW org. If we do bad in school, thats on us, if we fail to advance on work, thats on us. For those who dont want to fight, for those that have given up on life, the option of WT JW org etc becomes an alluring option, all responsibility is take away from ones hands and placed on this org. If something goes wrong its because god is teaching you a lesson etc.