Oh my goodness! That is so scary. I'm just glad you were all okay.
It does sound like it's related. Keep us updated.
update on this:.
just been to the police station with my friends where we were asked individually to identify aknife.
it looks identical to the one we saw.
Oh my goodness! That is so scary. I'm just glad you were all okay.
It does sound like it's related. Keep us updated.
@ kevin mcfree.
thanks a lot for all your hard work with the lego dubtown videos.
i just saw your "making of" and now i have a lot more respect for all the work you do with your movies.. please continue with the videos - i am looking forward to further episodes.. the making of dubtown's 'the naked truth' .
I agree. Kevin is amazing. I absolutely love the videos and watch them over and over because they cheer me up, Thank you @ Kevin McFree
i am writing the post i have wanted to write for some time.
it's a heartfelt note to those still attending meetings, still caught between the lines of watchtower and the world.
those with kids or a spouse in the society..... despite being mentally out....those who have weighed up that there is too much to lose in leaving.
It was great. If you want to pour it all out after a whiskey or two go ahead. It's good to share our thoughts and feelings and it's cathartic to write it down. Life is definitely hard after we leave and your words can help people.
I am taking your words to heart and doing my best not to give WT 2019.
if you are a true believer, then you are toast.
because you will be a slave to everything the watchtower, circuit overseers, elders, pioneers, imply.
believe me, there are not many true believers anymore, and the majority of them are old.
It depends where you live and what congregation you are in and what your elders are like. I've also seen elders children get away with so much more than an ordinary kid in the congregation.
I don't think it's easier now, either. I was baptised in 1967. In fact, in some respects, it seems more micro managed now than back then.
People do lead double lives and if that's what you want to do, well okay. But what a way to live.
For the record, and don't all come down on me for this, I thought the OP was quite arrogant and also very disrespectful to Finkelstein.
one of the witness rebuttals that is used to belittle the christmas holiday is the one where they say that people reduce jesus christ to being just a baby in a manger, whereas the witnesses recognize him as a mighty king, a much more accurate and current way to view jesus.
a baby in a manger is a sweet sight on any day, it's true, but more is going on than meets the eye in the case of jesus.
this particular baby is the first baby to have been born without an earthly father, the immaculate conception.
Yesterday I watched a television programme about the origins of many Xmas traditions. Carols, the tree, mistletoe, holly etc. The Victorians wanted to bring back Xmas because it was dying out in Britain so they started picking what they wanted from traditional customs from everywhere -a lot from Germany. The turkey came from America.
Half of it, isn't really pagan. No one really knows how mistletoe and holly began. Carols were sung throughout the year in church. In fact, there are more identifiable pagan customs associated with weddings than ever there is with Xmas and JWs do all of them except confetti and the toast.
It is just another way they have isolated us from family and friends, because that's what they do - cut Jws off from everything.
i am writing the post i have wanted to write for some time.
it's a heartfelt note to those still attending meetings, still caught between the lines of watchtower and the world.
those with kids or a spouse in the society..... despite being mentally out....those who have weighed up that there is too much to lose in leaving.
Thank you for sharing. You are so right.
looking back over my life, the only thing that i can say i truly enjoyed as a jw was meeting and becoming friends with a number of jws who were fine musicians and had experienced various measures of success in what used to be called the "music business.
tommy reynolds, from the vocal group hamilton, joe frank & reynolds ("don't pull your love out on me, baby" and "baby, baby, fallin' in love, i'm fallin' in love again") recruited me to play drums in his dallas circuit assembly orchestra in the 1970s.
in 1977, i became friends with legendary jazz composer/arranger/band leader benny golson, whose life story appeared in the oct. 8, 1980 awake, and who appeared opposite tom hanks in steven spielberg's "the terminal.
That was so interesting! Please remember to tell us when the book is available.
something weird and scary happened to us last nihgt.
we had a few friends over for the weekend.
we love to go hiking and long walks wherever and whenever we can.
Please don't do that again. There are some very bad people out there and putting yourself in a vulnerable position like that is dangerous. I know it's horrible that we don't have the freedom to do such things like go for midnight walks but you have to be so very careful. I always tell my children be aware of your surroundings always. The car passing you slowly? I am so glad you are all okay. I dread to think what their intentions were.
after 24 years of active service as a witness my marriage came to an end causing massive trauma.during this tragic life event for a period of approx 8 months i went haywire.
partying.smoking.i was disfellowshipped.i met a wonderful non witness along the way and am remarried.what i don't get is this.if an announcement was made that i am no longer a jehovahs witness then why does the bible principle in corinthians about not even greeting he who calls himself a brother still apply.
I was baptised in 1967 and left last year, so that's a long time to be trapped in a cult.
I was totally traumatised when I left as I just didn't know what to believe. But I watched a lot of exJW YouTube videos and I remember one man saying that if you leave the WT that doesn't mean God leaves you.
Take your time, get counselling if you can because it really does help.
You sound like a very kind person with a lovely wife. She is your family now. It's hard and you are so hurt but remember your wife loves you and there are hundreds of exJWs who shared your pain and are here to listen to you. This forum was and still is a life line for me, so many people helped me and they will help you too. Stay talking to us and take care of yourself.
let's play a game of believe it or not, shall we?
i'll relate a story, and you decide whether you believe it or not.
what would you think of an elder who told his daughter's fiance that he would kill him if he ever did anything to hurt his daughter?
...and it doesn't surprise me in the least to see elders conveniently keeping things quiet. I can think of at least 3 incidents in my former congregation of where elders or their children committed serious sins that were merely swept under the table and never mentioned, including an elder getting another elders wife pregnant, an elder's son thieving from work and having an affair with an older woman......just swept under the carpet - go figure.