Yep but we also got invited up to the hall when no one else was there for a 'cup of tea and a chat'
Going to neither.
last year was the first time i didn’t get an invitation to the lord’s evening meal.
i think they finally gave up on me..
for many who have left, there is still a spiritual need and faith in the bible.
beroean pickets is one group/website where serious bible research and commentary, weekly critical reviews of wt studies, as well expose's of flawed wt opinion/doctrine- all backed by the bible- can be considered.
this vast amount of work and research is all done by just a small group of our volunteer brothers and sisters.
exposing "bottlegate" could suppress donations limiting the $ resources that can be used to spread this hateful cult .
I suspect hardly any of the rank and file will ever see it and if they do, they won't believe it. Remember Jeffery Jackson at the ARC? How many said it was an 'impersonator'
Also, watching Watchtower in Focus with Lloyd discussing this, didn't the WT say to the person who brought it up with them that we must look for the good in our brothers.
Also, I'd like to know, are the GB exempt from the vow of poverty and the rule that anyone entering bethel has to give them any money they have?
It's totally hypocritical to tell a child to give their ice cream money to the organization while splashing out on booze, wherever the money came from.
Don't forget, this is one of the men that allows children to continue to be abused, that condones destroying families, that allows people to die when blood might save them and that told the brothers that if you haven't been in the ministry you have blood on your hands and deserve to die.
I'm not cutting him any slack at all. I don't care if he needs to catch a break, don't we all? I can barely afford to feed myself let alone buy a bottle of alcohol.
i was howling watching cedars latest video of tm111 buying a dozen bottles of scotch ((maccallans scotch).
you can't write this stuff.
right, i'm now off to buy a bottle of maccallans 😂..
I'm with Sir82 and JW GoneBad
He isn't a regular guy. If he was we wouldn't be making such a deal over this.
This man has a profound effect on people's lives. Your families lives. He condemns people. Judges people. He lambastes people for not going out in the ministry enough. Tells them they have blood on their hands. He dictates to people how they will live their lives. With his cronies, he tries to control everything. Their clothes. Their education. Their future. He relishes being part of God's killing machine at 'Armageddon' and he arrogantly refers to Jesus as his 'big brother'
I know JWs who think the GB live like monks. Small cell like rooms. Basic food. No comforts. They have no idea the lavish lifestyle they have and they contribute huge amounts of money they can't afford to fund it and worse, they are riddled with guilt because they wish they had the 'faith' the GB have.
Tony Morris is no regular man doing a regular thing and I hope this video clip bites him where it hurts - hard.
(on the anniversary of my jw best friend's death, i've reached into my archive to replay this incident in his honor)
the remarkable sister *pettifog*.
this morning i arrived on my bicycle at the local starbucks early and took up a seat at the outdoor table in the fresh air.. that’s when it happened--a group of 3 older ladies at one of the other tables outside rose to leave and one of them walked over to my table and spoke directly to me.
i happened to be in my old town last week, i decided to drive past my old kh in,.
to my suprise there was a large 'for sale' sign hanging off it!.
this is a semi-remote area with the nearest other kh's a good 30 mins in every direction.
new dubtown episode.
poor melch cant take part in anything in high school.
so i was recently in a thrift store, looking through some of the stuff there, when another aisle over, somebody sneezed.. (as far as i know, nobody lost a meatball.... 😅🙃 ...).
anyway, somebody sneezed.
and somebody immediately said, “bless you!”.
does anyone else know of a person who has such a sensitive nose or bad allergy that they are allergic to the paint or interior of the kingdom hall somehow and they can’t go inside?
and that person doesn’t even switch halls they “listen on the phone” all the time.
i know of a couple people like that.
I was in a congregation many years ago where an elder had to move his family to another hall because their young daughter was allergic to the upholstery.
I have very bad allergies and used to get a reaction to all the perfume and aftershave. I'd sit in the hall with a pouring nose, sneezing etc because some sisters would literally bath themselves in perfume.
when you feel your copyright has been violated and you have to hire a high priced legal firm with dedicated funds!.
After watching Lloyd's video 'Subpoena Warfare' and seeing how the WT are now going after certain people aggressively and with bullying tactics, we were both wondering if Kevin had a place where we could donate to help him with his fight.
Isn't it crazy that WT can go after a Youtuber that makes little videos with Lego and has less than 4,000 followers? How desperate have they become? I hope the court laugh in their faces and throw this out. But meantime, Kevin, can we help?