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Manual-- Instructions For COVID-19 and Announcement-2020-07-17
by Atlantis inletters are from spain:2020-07-17 english announcement2020-07-17 spanish announcement2020-07-17 english instruction manual for covid-19, 18 pages with 8 chapters.table of contentsgeneral precautionsmeetingsfield ministryshepherdingtheocratic facilities and construction projectscongregation expensesjudicial mattersconventions and assemblies2020-07-17 spanish instruction manual for covid-19, 18 pages with 8 chapters.índiceprecauciones generalesreunionesministeriopastoreoedificios destinados a actividades espirituales y proyectos de construccióngastos de la congregaciónasuntos judicialesasambleas regionales y de circuitothose on the email list have already received these documents.
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