My greatest fear was always that they would take me into an interrogation room during the Great Tribulation and convince me that it was not the truth.
Turns out my biggest fear came true and is one of the best things that could ever happen to me.
i think many jw's have secret fears in common, but don't often voice them.
it's too bad because then they might wonder why?.
for instance, one day at work while i was talking to one of the witness ladies, (on her belief of some bible proof of the last days) she suddenly lowered her voice.
My greatest fear was always that they would take me into an interrogation room during the Great Tribulation and convince me that it was not the truth.
Turns out my biggest fear came true and is one of the best things that could ever happen to me.
One was a beautiful mother towards her 50s. She was in mental hospital, but went to the summer convention. I saw her walking around and smiling. Two days later she was dead.
Another one was a brother I met at bethel. I didn't know him well and he wasn't at bethel anymore when he killed himself. He was married and a father.
so this is just a general question.
call it curiosity.. what sort of phobias do we have?
Not sure if it's a phobia, but I absolutely hate jump scares. Do you remember the coffee ad with the zombie that was popular about 10 years ago? I have a trauma of it and still can't watch any videos or GIFs where nothing happens for a long time. Even if it has a cute cat in it.
is anyone else staggered by the fact that outside of the organization most of the general public seem to know very little or nothing about jw’s?
when i was in i was led to believe that 99% of the worlds population had been giving sufficient warning, knew what it was all about and were stubbornly sticking to their immoral ways.
the reality seems to be that the entire jw universe is barely noticeable to the masses.
When a newspaper put a little side article about JW or even similar cults, I was always worried that my workmates would discuss it during coffee break. I thought everyone knew JWs and that it was an important topic and that they were talking negatively about us.
Now I wish there was more in the news and people would actually recognize the harm that WT does.
could someone please tell me why my image is either sideways or upside down.
i feel an utter fool asking this question but i can't find any help anywhere.
Try to rotate your picture upside down before uploading it. When you upload it, it will probably rotate the picture again, but this time the right way.
the cover page shows a photo jws loading a small plane with watchtower literature to take to a remote area in bolivia.the first study article introduces the 2018 year text isa.
40:31 "those hoping in jehovah will regain power".
according to them, you may leave home to do field service or attend a meeting feeling exhausted but you return home refreshed and 'jesus' yoke is kindly indeed!
According to them, you may leave home to do field service or attend a meeting feeling exhausted but you return home refreshed and 'Jesus' yoke is kindly indeed!'
Actually, most of the time I did come home rejoiced after the ministry. Not because I did something for Jehovah, but because field service was finally over.
i should know the answer to this but my memory is failing big time.
our friend just called who is still in the cult.
he's been away from it for about five months now.
I know a sister who married outside the lord and didn't get disfellowshipped, although the elders tried to talk her out of it before she married him. So I don't think they will disfellowship him because of that.
As for writing to disfellowshipped ones, I'm not sure. I think they are more strict regarding having contact with non-family who "left the truth".
As far as I know, the elders' book says they can't disfellowship someone before warning him one or two times.
Anyway, good luck to your friend. How nice to be welcomed by a JC as soon as he got back to the meeting -.-
in my comedy i am playing around with being a jw spokesman justifying the ridiculous things in the publications, website, letters and talks by governing body members.. can you give me some scandals please?.
to start off with un ngo membership.... thanks.
"Look, science proves the Bible!" - "Evolution is not true because the Bible says so."
i was reading a post on here and the poster said she went to the door twice because her mother made her go again when she didn't see her children talk to the man.
the poster said, "at least i got an rv out of it.".
ok, its been a few years, but for the first time i thought of "recreational vehicle" and not "return visit" when i read this.
No, not yet. I still wince a bit when I hear or read something with "witness". It used to be a phobia because I always feared I would read or hear something bad about JWs. Now I can't wait until JWs are in the news again :)
And now I constantly read Governing Body instead of Great Britain.
i remember having this feeling when i was younger that something was off when it came to meetings and the people there seemed just off.i had feelings like that when i was like 5 or 6 and i would say i was kinda dumb back then but still i had a feeling like that when i would not have that often.still to this day i dont know what got me to have that feeling i was just wanting to know if any had this feeling to and still cant remember what made your mind give you a red flag..
I had nightmares about being at meetings or conventions up to 6 years old.
In my early teenage years I was very concerned that people would call us a cult. I found a lot of things odd and cult-like, such as the fake smiles or that all women had to wear skirts. And there were so many religions on this earth. Could it really be that I was so lucky to be born into the one true religion?
I was on the right track, but I was under group pressure from JW friends and there wasn't really any alternative for me. It was never the question "if" I would get baptized, but "when".
And all those "interested" ones were so weird. Not once have I seen an adult that came into the "truth" that made an intelligent impression.