Is anyone else staggered by the fact that outside of the Organization most of the general public seem to know very little or nothing about JW’s? When I was in I was led to believe that 99% of the worlds population had been giving sufficient warning, knew what it was all about and were stubbornly sticking to their immoral ways. The reality seems to be that the entire JW universe is barely noticeable to the masses. Very few know, very few care.
Outside JW World They Barely Exist
by Farmer Jim1 47 Replies latest jw friends
It's a tempest in a teapot.
I agree. As has been written on this site, most just simply think of JWs as that strange group that doesn't celebrate Christmas or take blood transfusions. They don't know much else. When I was fully in, I kind of realized that most of the outside world knew little or nothing about JWdom/JWism*, however, I thought it was the fault of the outsiders. I now realize that the JW preaching work has been ineffective.
Most of the publishers were/are unqualified and couldn't present the message clearly even back when it was sort of clear. Also, the publications were/are filled with fluff, such that the message was/is buried, and only a small part of the reported preaching time is due to real, quality teaching/preaching.
* I use the term "JWism" to refer to the religion of JWs (teachings, practices, etc.) and the term "JWdom" to refer to the whole realm of JWs - the org, individual JWs, teachings, practices, culture, mindset, etc.
days of future passed
I used to see a few out in service after leaving and thought the same thing.
Didn't we go out thinking that as people drove by or saw us from their windows, that a BIG witness was being given? That we were important enough to be recognized were ever we went? Assemblies with the badges on going out to dinner....
One nice old lady told me that in her town years ago, when they saw witnesses, they'd call everyone so they could "miss" the knock on the door. But she didn't know much about what they taught - just that they were nice but a nuisance.
compound complex
Didn't we go out thinking that as people drove by or saw us from their windows, that a BIG witness was being given? That we were important enough to be recognized were ever we went? Assemblies with the badges on going out to dinner.... days of future past
A WT study article, many years ago, stated that those hearing the Good News but not getting the sense of its importance would most certainly understand what they had heard us preach -- when the "doors had been closed." Then, it would be too late.
I commented on that particular paragraph and firmly believed that the message was lying fallow in some recess of their minds but not acted upon. What dofp wrote, I believed with all my heart.
Closer to Fine
I think most would say the top 3 things they know about jws are;
- They go door to door preaching
- They tell you the end is coming any day now
- They think holidays are bad
I don't think the average person knows much more about them than that.
Yup I agree. Very little is known about them.
never been staggered, their vehicle of presenting this life saving message has always been a joke, the example I always give them is if you could conduct a survey in a place in the capital where there are tens of thousands of people are passing through, a busy station, a shopping area etc and ask them what is the kingdom of god that the jw's preach 100% of every single person you ask would not have the foggiest of ideas their stock answers would be " the only thing I know about them is they dont take blood, bang on my door at inconvenient times and dont celebrate birthdays or Christians" pathetic really and laughable, 7.4 billion people on this planet and rising and how many have any idea about them!
Half banana
You're right Farmer Jim, JWs live inside a big bubble which is silvered with a mirror coating so they can live in perpetual admiration of themselves.
Sour Grapes
JW's think the world revolves around their theocratic activities and that god manages things for their advantage, from getting airplane tickets to get out of Russia or making nice dry weather to permit the glue on the new silver sword bible to dry in time for release.
When I was an elder and out in service, we felt good about our work even when we did not talk to anyone. People saw us out in service and they would say, "there are those Jehovah's Witnesses". They said his name and rejected our message thus they deserve to die.