Wilton, welcome to the board! Thank you for your courage in posting your question here.
I am gay, and a former Jehovah's Witness. I echo the sentiments of Ray and Gretchen. Before you take any further steps to join the JWs, consider this:
* The JWs teach that homosexuals are "an abomination" and "detestable".
* The JWs have actually put in print that homosexuality is caused by demon posession.
* The JWs believe that homosexuals are in the same class with pedophiles and practitioners of beastiality.
* If you become a JW, you will be required to spend the rest of your life completely celibate (even though they hypocritically condemn the celibacy of Catholic priests). Even masturbation is forbidden.
* As a JW, you will be required to go from door to door preaching to others that homosexuality is "disgusting" in the eyes of God, whenever they publish an article about the gay community, which is fairly frequent.
After reading the above, I hope this will enlighten you to what lay in store for you if you should decide to join. I have been gone from the JWs for more than 23 years, and in that time have had a lot of opportunity to do a great deal of independent reserach on the religion.
Don't just concentrate on the gay issue. Examine very closely all of the evidence that is out there regarding the JW religion. A good place to start would be: http://www.freeminds.org/
For issues about JWs related to the gay community, look at: http://www.gayxjw.org/
I hope this has been of some help to you. If you want to discuss matters further, please feel free to send me a private message through this board any time.
Again, welcome!......JIM