That list is frighteningly accurate!
JoinedPosts by SanFranciscoJim
To my Italian-American Friends.
by El Kabong ingot this from a relative and just wanted to share with everyone.
all italians have a $40,000 kitchen, but use the $179 stove from american appliance in the basement to cook.the living room couch was covered with plastic.strohmeman and wonder bread was for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches only.there is some sort of religious statue in the hallway, living room,front,porch and backyard.a portrait of the pope and frank sinatra in the dining room.god forbid if anyone ever attempted to eat chef boy-ar-dee, franco-american, ragu, prego or anything else in a jar or can (tomato paste is the exception).the following are italian holidays- first weekend in october- grapes for the wine, 3rd weekend in august- tomatoes for the gravy.
speaking of which, it's gravy and not sauce.meatballs are made with pork, veal and beef.
WTS Founds Charity in Germany!
by GermanXJW inwhen there was the flood in europe, jw in germany founded "solidaritaet mit katastrophenopfern" (solidarity with victims of catastophies) to collect donations.
now, km 2/04 announces that this charity has been registered as "christliches humanitaeres hilfswerk der zeugen jehovas in deutschland" (christian humanitarian relief organization of jehovah's witnesses in germany) .
the announcement says that under the supervision of the christian congregation it supports the victims of catastrophies.
It would also be interesting to find out if the donations were used only for the repair/rebuilding of damaged/destroyed Kingdom Halls only (as has been their "chartitable" practice in other countries where disasters have occurred), or whether any of the money actually went for the assistance of individuals.
I just wanna say something to everybody!
by U.2.K. Tha Greate$t inalright i understand that this board is full of non-believers, maybe you believe in evolution(which btw i hate very much) or maybe you are a atheist.
and another thing i notice is that this board is very much against the jw's.
anyway i might be only 22, but i know and i understand more things in this world than half the suckas in this world.
When Jesus was asked about divorce and his opinion....he said "God made them Male and Female, that is why a man will leave his home and take him a wife, and the two will be one flesh".
No offense taken, and thanks for asking. Jesus words appear to have been directed at those interested in procreation. He was referring to Adam and Eve, without whom offspring would not have been possible.
I have also read where other Bible scholars believe this is a reference to the Christ-head and the church.
Was not a husband and wife the arrangement he saw? He did abide also by the old law which prohibited such relationships.
Jesus also made it clear that his purpose was to fulfill Mosaic law and distill it down to the "Golden Rule". If you read the original condemnations in Deuteronomy, you will note the Hebrew "zakar" is used, which loosely translates (per Strong's) as a "person worthy of note", i.e., the high priest as mentioned in previous verses. Literally translated, the verses that appear to condemn same-sex relations in fact are condemnations of engaging in sexual-based pagan fertility ritual with a pagan high priest.
Had Jesus meant to condemn homosexuality in any fashion, I am sure that such words would have been clearly recorded. To date, no mention of any such condemnation exists.
Hope that answers your question. Again, no offense taken.
check out....
by tink in...this shirt i just bought.
i just freakin love it.
i have no point in posting this really, this is just my new favorite thing ever and i wanted to share .
So are you really from the Vega star system,
or do you just drive a Vega?
(PS) Merry Christmas!
I just wanna say something to everybody!
by U.2.K. Tha Greate$t inalright i understand that this board is full of non-believers, maybe you believe in evolution(which btw i hate very much) or maybe you are a atheist.
and another thing i notice is that this board is very much against the jw's.
anyway i might be only 22, but i know and i understand more things in this world than half the suckas in this world.
Surreptitious wrote:
To keep ill-gotten goods or to be a homosexual (not that there's anything wrong with that)...... which is more contrary to "Christianity"?
The gay people I know do not deliberately addict others to illegal substances for financial gain.
The gay people I know do not exploit destitute innocents and make them sell their bodies for financial gain.
The gay people I know have consciences and would not hypocritically keep ill-gotten goods because they "don't act that way any more".
The gay people I know are honest, law-abiding, hard-working citizens who contribute to our society culturally, financially, and intellectually.
Jesus Christ himself never said one word about homosexuality, but he did overturn the tables of the money changers in the temple.
I believe I have sufficiently answered which is more contrary to Christianity. If anyone's brand of "Christianity" would condemn homosexuals above those who justify ill-gotten gains, I can assure you that I would want absolutely nothing to do with that religion, because it does not espouse the views of Jesus Christ himself.
The end.
I just wanna say something to everybody!
by U.2.K. Tha Greate$t inalright i understand that this board is full of non-believers, maybe you believe in evolution(which btw i hate very much) or maybe you are a atheist.
and another thing i notice is that this board is very much against the jw's.
anyway i might be only 22, but i know and i understand more things in this world than half the suckas in this world.
Anyway i might be only 22, but i know and i understand more things in this world than half the suckas in this world.
i have all my materials that i need. I have 2 cars, nice apt, i have 2 other house that i own in 2 other states.
Yea i did some things in the past , but thats done. I also have 10 tattoos on me,
This is not an accusation -- only an observation:
In my experience, the only 22 year olds that I have known who are tattooed, own 2 cars, an apartment, and 2 houses, and call people "sucka" are generally drug dealers or pimps.
If any of these material things are ill-gotten through these means and I still own them, I would be ashamed to call myself a Christian until I had removed these things from my life.
Those silly Nigerians
by Elsewhere indear mr ngema,.
thank you very much for contacting me.
i would be very glad to help you.
So please i will like to know how possible and quick you can come to South Africa,for us to finalise the transaction.
If you need any help with arranging airline reservations to South Africa, I can Photoshop a phony (and somewhat ridiculous) reservation printout for you to send him, making sure you have to change planes 5 or 6 times in very strange locations. Find out what city he wants you to fly to (Johannesburg, for instance), and tell him you could only get a ticket to a different city (Durban or Cape Town, for example) because of Christmas holiday traffic. Make him drive hundreds of miles to meet you! Believe me -- he'll do it!! Always happy to assist a fellow scam-baiter!
what happened to 'leaving' the congregation?
by Pleasuredome inthe last time i read 'do you shun former members?
' at i'm sure it said that people could 'simply leave without being shunned' or something along them lines.
am i wrong or has this been changed recently?
Weird! I could have sworn, when I last checked this thread, that the post right above mine was made by SFJim. But now, the text of the post is the same, but it shows as made by gumby.
What gives?
Euph, Gumby & I are Santa clones. Now you know the truth.
A lie is a lie, but how would GOD deal it?
by U.2.K. Tha Greate$t inwe all know that(those who pay attention anyway, the others who dont are foolish) christmas cometh from a pagan celebration of a "false god", and it still to this day is ignorant.
the fact is that nobody knows when jesus was born, and nobody wont know till after the end into the beginning.
and the fact that the mothers and fathers of this world swears that they "love their children" but also lies to them about santa, people believe in fiction more then they do reality, reality is god and his wonderful creation.
So um yall have a merry jolly and no lying christmas, ooops, you cant have that cause everybody is lying. It is possible to have good times without christmas, and i am proof......
Yes, indeed it is possible to have good times by calling everyone liars.
You might want to look in the mirror. I think you may have a rafter in your eye. (Matt. 7: 1-5)
The apostasy of 1980...want to know more!
by Lonestar13 incan someone fill me in as to what happened in 1980?
i was only 3 at the time, and that is right around the time my family got into the org.
also anything about the homosexuality at bethel too?
Also anything about the homosexuality at bethel too?
Here's a first-person account by a friend in Canada:
"At one time I thought that perhaps I was the only gay Jehovah's Witness in Canada, perhaps the world. This was not unusual, as most gay/lesbian Jehovah's Witnesses feel the same way. There is a conspiracy of silence on the subject, since these things were "not to be even mentioned" by a good Christian.
Percy Chapman and his companion Leo Greenlees were sent by Rutherford from London Bethel in 1936 to replace the rebel Canadian Branch Overseer, Walter Salter, who had started up his own group over the "elected elders" debacle. Percy was a mesmerizing public speaker of the old school (no voice amplification required) and with his Lancashire lilt of voice reminded me of Winston Churchill, flapping jowls and all. I can still remember the reverberating vibrato of his voice warning of the "vile depths of the abominations" and since I knew that homosexuality was "an abomination unto the lord" wondered if that was what he was referring to. It was not until later that I began to suspect the administration at Bethel was mainly gay.
I remember the shock at a district assembly in 1959 at Halifax, Nova Scotia where Percy Chapman, then the branch overseer of Canada was to give the main talk. Suddenly who should appear to replace him, but Brother Knorr, the President from New York. Percy Chapman just disappeared from sight. Later we found out that Brother Knorr had removed all responsibilities from Percy but allowed him to remain at Bethel in Toronto as a janitor. The next shock was that Percy Chapman was forced to be married. Percy, following the Rutherford line, was totally anti- marriage and he made sure that none of the "Bethel boys" even contemplated the subject with very strict rules and early curfews. The only way a bethel boy could see another sister would be to go on a Bible study with her. My parents started studying in 1945 with a beautiful young pioneer sister named Joyce Randall and every week there would be a new Bethel boy accompanying her. She later was sent to Gilead and posted in Peru, totally isolated, only to be seduced by a latin lover. Of course she was disfellowshipped and sent home in disgrace. But my family did get to know a lot of Bethel boys. They were all young and handsome, hand-picked by Percy Chapman; there was even an elite group known as "Percy's boys" who would accompany him to expensive restaurants and bars and receive other favours. At the time, Bethel was on Irwin Avenue, now (although replaced by a condominium) in the centre of the gay district of Toronto. There was even a Kingdom Hall above "the Parkside", one of Toronto's few gay bars in the fifties and sixties.
Poor Leo Greenlees, Percy's close companion for three decades even when at London Bethel, had to find himself a new room-mate. Leo was a cheerful, likable fellow, with his thick Scottish brogue and also an electrifying public speaker. He was very open about his homosexuality to those few good-looking young brothers like those he would meet at one of the summer resorts in Haliburton run by Jehovah's Witnesses (later bequeathed to the Watchtower Society). I got to know Leo a little better when he was assigned to be congregation overseer at the Kingdom Hall I attended as a teenager during the early sixties in Richmond Hill, just north of Toronto. He would bring along another bethel boy, Lorne Bridle, who was very good looking and charming. After a failed marriage to a young pioneer sister, he eventually committed suicide. I often wondered what tortured state of mind led him to that - but so often the fate of closeted gays in the Watchtower society!
But Leo was soon to be promoted to Brooklyn Bethel, where he became the Treasurer of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and one of the elite governing body. He managed to escape the witch-hunt at Brooklyn Bethel in the early seventies when dozens of Bethel boys were disfellowshipped after learning of their midnight trysts in the sauna in Brooklyn bethel. There was for a short period in the late sixties and early seventies a marked liberalization of attitudes among the governing body. But this suddenly ended, culminating with a power struggle and the disfellowshipping of Raymond Franz, a member of the governing body who was a free-thinker and had written the "Truth" book and chaired the writing of the almost scholarly "Aid to Bible Understanding". Both books, interestingly have joined the list of publications that you would think never existed according to the Watchtower society, although the "Truth" book had the largest printing, next to the Bible, of any book in the world.
It as not until a few years ago that I learned Leo Greenlees had been found out and was removed from the Governing Body for being gay. The last I heard as that he was sent to San Diego where he died not too long ago. As far as I know he was never disfellowshipped, nor can I corroborate any real seductions. Another member of the GB, Chitty who was also removed from Brooklyn Bethel for the same reason and sent away to London, England, I understand."