I’ve got a degree. . .Quit a dilemma.
And that is where you lost my interest. Just sayin'.
i’m a pioneer in city of brotherly love.
(yeah i said my city.
don’t give a fuck) most pioneers who need extra money, get a part gig working as a security guard, barista, or making sandwiches for a few bucks an hour.
I’ve got a degree. . .Quit a dilemma.
And that is where you lost my interest. Just sayin'.
i really felt for you sisters i mean i really did.
when you showed up at the sunday meeting and found out the subject of the talk was going to be -and i can't quite remember the exact wording- but something to the effect of marriage and headship, or honoring and obeying your husband, or something like that how many of you wanted to jump right back in your car and head home.
i mean 45 straight minutes of beating down you poor ladies and telling you that you are not worthy of making one decision, taking the lead in anything, don't question the man be obedient and keep quiet.
Another example : they usually live much longer then men.......
That's because we have to put up with women.
Now before you all jump on the lynch wagon, that was an old joke from many years ago, and I only hoped to bring a grin to someones face, and a groan from the rest.
Carry on!
i'm not sure if anyone is keeping track, but as of today, the wtbts has spent $40,000.00 usd to avoid releasing sensitive documents to the superior authorities.
that's $40,000.00 usd of "dedicated funds.
are you a born-in jw?
Too bad that some of the principals in the case couldn't be jailed for contempt of court. Of course that would only pave the way to play the "persecution" card.
Perhaps even assessing a monetary fine against them jointly and severally hitting the individuals in their personal bank accounts.
There I fixed it to reflect the reality of these idiots in charge.
does anybody have a digital copy of the revised bethel visitors 'dress code' pamphlet from this year?.
So sisters, if you have a nice fitting woman's suit and the skirt is at the top of your knee cap that is TOO DAMNED SHORT! You must have it no higher than the middle of your calf. Brothers, if your suit is tailored and not hanging on you like a garbage bag you are catering to the "homosexuals"(said in the best Stewie Griffin voice).
And what the hell is up with trying to dick tate how people can dress when they are merely in the neighborhood?
this guy was an elder.
i'm sorry if somebody already posted this.. http://abc7.com/news/former-oc-teacher-charged-w--sexually-assaulting-teen-boy/1458295/.
anybody know him?.
The news articles all must be false. Just more lying allegations from Satans sources.
(End sarcasm)
does anybody have a digital copy of the revised bethel visitors 'dress code' pamphlet from this year?.
They "lovingly" provide changing rooms now according to the letter that I heard read so that if you are not wearing the approved gunny sack dress to your cankles purchased at the local tent and awning surplus store, or a polyester suit three sizes to big you can change into the appropriate idiotic clothing mandated by the org. to visit their indoctrination compounds.
her: "i'm really going enjoy talking to young billy about his masturbation problem".
him: "yes, we don't him to turn out out gay, we want him to have a happy marriage filled with hours and hours of reading propaganda together.
even the stuff that is in no way applicable to our lives.
Her: Are you reading about masturbating?
Him: Yes, and with the pictures I have on my WT approved tablet I won't have to use Viagra tonight.
the answer posted on jw.org: "no.
many millions who lived in centuries past and who weren’t jehovah’s witnesses will have an opportunity for salvation.
additionally, many now living may yet begin to serve god, and they too will gain salvation.
This is what their own printed words say: Many of the articles published on jw.org such as those in the section “Frequently Asked Questions” discuss topics in terms that a non-Witness reader can understand.
In other words, "We put out in print for the public information that is completely different than what we print for our cult members to swallow."
the watchtower november 2016, page 16, par.
"some may feel that they can interpret the bible on their own.
however, jesus has appointed the ‘faithful slave’ to be the only* channel for dispensing spiritual food.
I asked, "Who is the "sole channel?" They said, "The slave." I asked, "Who is the slave?" They said, "The governing body." I then asked, "So according to what is written here we are to be loyal those who make up the governing body, correct?" They said, "Yes." I then asked them to read Psalm 146:3, and John 14: 26 and tell me how those scriptures applied to the governing body.
The dumbass said that the governing body are not sons of earthling man because they are anointed, and the holy spirit can't help us unless the governing body has told us what we need t know first.
What a moron!! And yeah, I know, I've read it here, don't try to reason with these goofs it is pointless.