I left a comment a few days ago, but in true JW fashion it was deleted for evidently not meeting the approved agenda!
Now go ahead and delete this one too!!!!!
what's with the attack (counsel) on husbands with no corresponding article for wives on the jan 2025 w that is being studied today?.
is there a point to that?.
I left a comment a few days ago, but in true JW fashion it was deleted for evidently not meeting the approved agenda!
Now go ahead and delete this one too!!!!!
just in.
a jaw dropping announcements and reminders for elders this month.
how can you serve as an elder and believe this organization is spirit directed after reading this letter?.
if a husband asks his wife for anal sex--she might ask him if he would prefer a carrot or a cucumber.
Something like this actually happened. Back when I was still in, a "sister" in the congregation was an R.N. at the local hospital. Without divulging any personal details like names she told of an emergency situation on one of her late night shifts. A man (non JW) had pressured his wife (also non JW) to fulfill his fantasy of anal sex. She agreed on the condition he FIRST satisfy one of her fantasies. It was to tie him up to the bed frame and use a sex toy on him. He agreed. She tied him up, went and got her hair curling iron, stuck it up his butt, turned it on, then left for the night. Screams summoned a neighbor who called an ambulance.
blood donor james harrison has died aged 88 in australia (17th feb) has saved the lives of over 2 million babies.
after receiving a huge blood transfusion during heart surgery aged 14, he vowed to become a donor at 18. he held the record for the most blood plasma donated until recently, donating every two weeks from the age of 18. his blood produced anti d used to produce jabs that protect unborn babies from hemolytic disease of the foetus & newborn (hdfn).
this occurs in pregnancy when a mothers red blood cells are incompatible with her babys.
just in.
a jaw dropping announcements and reminders for elders this month.
how can you serve as an elder and believe this organization is spirit directed after reading this letter?.
you would expect that by now the spirit would have told them to stop being nosy old perverts.
Them as can, do. Them as can't, inquire of others.
Wise old experienced Elder: "If it tastes like shit, you overbit!" "If it smells like cologne, leave it alone!"
They say oral sex is a lot like the Mafia. On slip of the tongue and you're in deep shit.
ah, yes, another shining example of the watchtower’s *unmatched* commitment to rational thought.
forget logic, science, or even basic common sense—just blame that suspiciously cursed handbag for all your troubles!
I think it is similar to "A man called Steve*..."
Or, There was a man from Nantucket . . . 🤣🤣🤣
strange that after 2 years we still don't know the facts about anthony's resignation.
grant davus writes:.
the announcement.
I can't believe they would delete all of his videos from the website if it were merely a heath issue from advancing age.
All his videos were Removed.
They haven't all been removed. There is at least 18 on their website. Repeating an untruth over and over does not do any of us here any favors.
I stand by what I said.
strange that after 2 years we still don't know the facts about anthony's resignation.
grant davus writes:.
the announcement.
I admit it tends to be a bit of hearsay, I did however last summer visit with a fellow who still talks to me when we see each other, which is admittedly very seldom as he resides in New York. As he is in very close contact with Warwick personnel he told me that the reason Morris is not a governing body member is severe advanced dementia along with the mental and emotional effects becoming more obvious. I have never known that person to lie to me, or to pass along idle gossip, and I've known him for nearly 55 years.
so from the get go in study article 18 and the theme :"imitate the faithful angels" we read the following questionable statement in paragraph 1: "when jehovah drew you to the truth, he invited you into a diverse and loving family of worshippers, which includes millions of faithful angels.
But when you open the Bible, you’ll see that it repeatedly calls faithful followers of Christ “holy ones.”
According to WT theology though that is only the "favored" 144,000. Even humans when finally reaching perfection (not that I believe that anymore) will still not be holy as they will never have immortality and can be disappeared in the blink of an eye for any impure thought or deed even after thousands of years. The WT teaches that other than God the only ones who will have total immortality are Jesus and his 144,000.
They are priming Jehovah’s Witnesses to trust messages that *feel* holy rather than testing them against the Bible.
I know I caught "holy Hell" (see what I did there?) for daring to tell an elduh that if instructions from the governing body did not sound right and did not fit the Bible that my choice would be to obey the Bible as God's inspired word not humans words. And he didn't like my using the scriptures as my backup for that decision. (Psalm 118:9) 9 It is better to take refuge in Jehovah Than to trust in nobles. (Acts 5:29) 29 In answer Peter and the [other] apostles said: “We must obey God as ruler rather than men.
I love tweaking them using the Bible.
2025 kingdom ministry school program for elders.. click the 3 dots at the top right by the word (share) and scroll down to the word (download).
there are 3 pages.. .
https://jumpshare.com/s/qggtjgoste9xhl5oytyq .
Thank you.
I notice in their Additional Information that there is sure a lot of micro managing going on.
david splane's infamous pandemic "land of the living" speech will be shown at the midweek meeting in 2 weeks.. https://www.jw.org/en/library/jw-meeting-workbook/march-april-2025-mwb/life-and-ministry-meeting-schedule-for-march-3-9-2025/.
in this item,.
7. demonstrate trust in jehovah’s organization.
I challenge any jw to comment "I'm not sure what the answer is, as I've known a few of the friends have died from vaccine side effects", and watch the jaws drop.
I would take up that challenge, except I would have to go to a kingdom hall to do so, and it will be the proverbial cold day in Hell before I submit myself to that misery.
It is a powerful virus that can travel on the internet.
Yet a weak enough virus that it can only travel 6 feet. 5 feet 11 1/2 inches and you're screwed, 6 feet 1 inch and you're home free.