The idiotic assumption by JW's that everyone is thinking about doing mattress acrobatics when they first meet, are alone together, or with anyone of the opposite sex in their day-dreams just proves who REALLY is sex mad.
They accuse the "world" of being sex-crazed yet they are the ones who have it one their minds and speak of it nearly non-stop. They are the ones who believe sex will happen just because you are alone with someone.
It is so bad that I heard of a JW woman who works in home health care for the elderly (imagine that, someone actually caring about people) who was chastised because she drove a handicapped, wheel chair bound man nearly eighty to a doctors appointment in another town without. . .GASP. . .a chaperone.
Yet a brown nosing MS is allowed to have his girlfriend over to his apartment after mid-week meeting late at night, alone, no one else there.