But they won't let that stop them from trotting out Hebrews 13: 17 as "authority" to rule over your personal faith with an iron rod.
in this discussion, we will be examining three precepts on the part of the gbojw which they use to claim that we should be obedient to them and their boe.
these precepts are.... - the bible instructs to be so.
- boe are appointed by holy spirit.
But they won't let that stop them from trotting out Hebrews 13: 17 as "authority" to rule over your personal faith with an iron rod.
aaaaaand .
.. it offers absolutely nothing new.. from questions from readers in the december 2016 study edition watchtower:.
"is it proper for a brother todayto have a beard?in some cultures, a neat beardmay be acceptable and may notdetract from the kingdom mes-sage.
Leviticus 19:27 “‘You must not shave the hair on the side of your head or disfigure the edges of your beard."
But the governing body will say we are not under the mosaic law so there is no prohibition on shaving. Yet they will turn around and use the very next verse to try treating someone like a leper for getting a tattoo.
aaaaaand .
.. it offers absolutely nothing new.. from questions from readers in the december 2016 study edition watchtower:.
"is it proper for a brother todayto have a beard?in some cultures, a neat beardmay be acceptable and may notdetract from the kingdom mes-sage.
1 Corinthians 8:9...."But keep watching that your right to choose does not somehow become a stumbling block to those who are weak."
The scripture above that is quoted has nothing to do with beards. If you don't follow the WT rules, you may stumble someone.
I've had that thrown in my face more times than I can remember. My stock reply now is, "Your legalistic personal view not backed up by scripture stumbles me."
aaaaaand .
.. it offers absolutely nothing new.. from questions from readers in the december 2016 study edition watchtower:.
"is it proper for a brother todayto have a beard?in some cultures, a neat beardmay be acceptable and may notdetract from the kingdom mes-sage.
"Are not considered acceptable" - passive voice. Not considered acceptable by who? And why?
Not acceptable to the eldurrs. Because they said so, that's why. For nearly two months I have had a well trimmed beard with not a peep. Now today I had the perfunctory visit by the COBE. First question was, "What is that?" Second question, "Why."
Answers were, "A beard." And, "Because I want one." Followed by my question, "Do you want a beer?" So we set and had a few. Not another word about the beard. We'll see what the next few weeks bring, but it isn't coming off until I decide to!
i've noticed within the past 2-3 decades that brothers have not traveled to various destinations with sisters and/or families.. myself with my own 2 sisters (bio/spiritual), 3 cousins, and 4-5 friends usually travel once a year during the spring and summer months to a number of places, whether it be via bus, train or plane.
the travel groups [there are 3 which are commandeered by some older sisters and their own bio sisters, daughters, and granddaughters plus a niece or two)] which total about 30-40 persons travel regularly during these times of the year.
although there are a great amount of females on these trips, there are hardly any adult males in attendance; the only males who are seated with the group range from age 5 to 12 approximately--these young boys are 2-6 in total--and once they reach high school age, that number dwindles from 1-0!.
I see groups of MEN and BOYS in so many other groups (no doubt NON-DUBS) travelling and having a great time/fun with females (no matter what age range) in their riding parties
That's because they enjoy the company of PEOPLE. JW's on the other hand look at each other and everyone else as objects for sexual acts. And seeings they are conditioned to believe that sex is dirty, and that that is the ONLY reason for a male and female to have anything to do with one another they naturally segregate themselves, and then look for "reasons" to try to salve their guilt over denying that normal desire for human socialization.
has anyone else seen that "classic" music clip in the june broadcast yet??.
"don't run too fast".
if not, do yourself a favour and watch it!.
Thanks for the warning about the words. Checked it out with no sound. What a load of $%@$.
Don't run fast? But you had better pick up the pace in your serve us! And if I had had a dog and some religious nuts came up trying to disturb my time out enjoying a park I would have "accidentally" let the dog take a bite or two of them. After all if I have it on a leash and they approach me invading my space that is their fault then!
so i stumbled across this the other day, please excuse me if it has already been posted.
don't know what you think but i found this idiotic, casting stereotypes and dangerous.
so the scenario goes something like this, young brother finds himself in the company of a young lady at a bar.
The idiotic assumption by JW's that everyone is thinking about doing mattress acrobatics when they first meet, are alone together, or with anyone of the opposite sex in their day-dreams just proves who REALLY is sex mad.
They accuse the "world" of being sex-crazed yet they are the ones who have it one their minds and speak of it nearly non-stop. They are the ones who believe sex will happen just because you are alone with someone.
It is so bad that I heard of a JW woman who works in home health care for the elderly (imagine that, someone actually caring about people) who was chastised because she drove a handicapped, wheel chair bound man nearly eighty to a doctors appointment in another town without. . .GASP. . .a chaperone.
Yet a brown nosing MS is allowed to have his girlfriend over to his apartment after mid-week meeting late at night, alone, no one else there.
when the co is visiting, i think i hear "thank you , jehovah, for this special week of activity" until i want to vomit.. also "jehovah, please remember those sick and afflicted.
we pray that they can make a recovery and be back with us.".
stale, canned, institutionalized garble.
"Jehovah, please remember those sick and afflicted. We pray that they can make a recovery and be back with us."
Just a few weeks ago I mentioned almost this very same thing to one of the eldurrs. I asked him if he ever thought about how Jehovah would "help those who are shut-in to know we "love" them," if no one ever bothered to actually go visit those shut-in persons, and see if there was anything they personally could do for, or with those ones? His reply? "Well if they are listening into the meeting on the phone tie-in they hear us ask Jehovah to help them know we "love" them and that is how they are encouraged."
Strange thing is that I must be doing something wrong. I no longer go with any group in field serve us. I go alone, without the required dress up for Sunday clothes and make my serve us into a service by going to those people and seeing of I can do their shopping for them, or fix something on their home, or perhaps just sit and spend some of that most finite and precious commodity I have with them. . .time.
I guess the eldurrs are too busy being "loving" shepherds to actually show any love.
sorry for this matter has been already discussed.. i got shocked after watching this video:.
kingdom hall disaster demonstration.
this is really insane !!!
Why is a bug out bag a great idea? Where are you bugging out to and from what?
Oh I don't know. Maybe like the time I was forced to evacuate during a 10,000 acre forest fire and had a "bug-out bag" ready to go with important documents, a few days worth of cash for emergency use to secure hotel lodging, vehicle fuel, restaurant meals the next county over, and a few other needed items? Perhaps not important to some, but better prepared than being a leech on someone else charity IMO!
in the august broadcast, david splane is shown in a morning worship video.
i just wanted to focus on the end of the video, were he has this to say:.
the governing body loves to get together and discuss the bible.
Surely new light comes from Jehovah?
Surely any new light from Jehovah wouldn't have 'ramifications on other prophecies'?
Surely new light from Jehovah would 'fit' with 'everything'?
Great point!
Didn't someone in history say something profound about a house divided against itself? Oh yeah...that's right; I found it in that book the governing body is so fond of sitting around discussing, the Bible. Jesus said it when accused of resurrecting people by Satan's power. So why are they divided when they try to fit things together?