I found that once again the entire WT discussion could be summed up by saying, if someone does anything that offends you, hurts you spiritually, physically, or emotionally, IT'S YOUR FAULT! After all you allowed them to do so. If on the other hand YOU do anything that offends them, hurts them spiritually, physically, or emotionally, then IT'S YOUR FAULT! You aren't showing "love".
And of course the everlasting fall back argument that not allowing yourself to be kicked down, and then asking to be kicked some more while you're down is the same as rejecting God.
I did notice too, there seemed to be a veiled excuse for their continued refusal to either acknowledge or handle the child abuse going on in congregations. The article made references to. . .many other cases that could be cited in which some who served Jehovah committed bad acts and hurt others. Sometimes those who have been guilty of serious sins reject Jehovah’s mercy and are unrepentant. In such situations, will you have confidence that Jehovah will in time judge such wrongdoers, perhaps removing them from the congregation?
Notice that they again trot out the "wait on Jehovah" card, and say PERHAPS, even if that person who made a mistake" is unrepentant? That is their get-out-of-jail free card. Of course the poor widows and orphans in the congregation who slip up will be summarily executed (DF'd).