If by some miracle the eldurr conducting the Sunday morning parrot session for this WT lowers himself to call on FedUp I am going to mention the older woman at the empty cupboard by name. I will call her Sister Hubbard. . .
JoinedPosts by FedUpJW
More money-grubbing: Give us your money even if you can't afford food
by bohm inthe message would appear to be that jehovah needs money more than that old lady needs food:.
Is this true
by pepperheart inhi ive heard a romour that any jws that want a printed copy of the new song book to use at the kh will have to order one otherwise they will not get one.ithink they are trying to make people use tablets to view the song book.
as the new songbook is only 154 pages is this yet another money saving event in the borg .
@startingover re: old versus new song.
Well so much for making public declaration. Just send the cash! I believe I can point that little fact out to the gung ho JDubs as they make their comparisons.
Is this true
by pepperheart inhi ive heard a romour that any jws that want a printed copy of the new song book to use at the kh will have to order one otherwise they will not get one.ithink they are trying to make people use tablets to view the song book.
as the new songbook is only 154 pages is this yet another money saving event in the borg .
My question, how do poor jws afford a tablet, in the US or other countries?
They don't. They just get looked down upon as spiritually weak for not keeping up with J's chariot. Of course there are a few who like me refuse to be forced into the fad of buying the latest, greatest, shiniest, fastest new electronic gadget. I prefer to keep my money in my pocket, not on display. We are basically condamned because we can afford those gadgets and choose not to use them.
Is this true
by pepperheart inhi ive heard a romour that any jws that want a printed copy of the new song book to use at the kh will have to order one otherwise they will not get one.ithink they are trying to make people use tablets to view the song book.
as the new songbook is only 154 pages is this yet another money saving event in the borg .
I wonder how many jws can read music any more?
If one were to judge by the sound of the "singing" at the local KH I still go to for the sake of still in relatives. . .NONE.
The insanity continues
by FedUpJW inas if anymore proof were needed that what used to be the religion i was baptized into has ceased to exist i was asked this insane question, when i mentioned to a jdub that someone i knew was celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.
are they witnesses?".
i didn't used to really think about that insane question in the past, but now that i have woke up to ttatt it is glaringly obvious that they think there can be no chance of actually knowing and getting along with anyone outside their tiny circle of conditional friends.
And even more insanity at the WT session this morning.
Paragraph stated that, "Until they talk with Jehovah’s Witnesses, many do not understand what sin is,. . ."
The blatant arrogance of the writer could only be mistaken by the idiots who were feeling the orgasmic tingle down their legs as they gleefully opined about how no one except Jdubs really know what sin is until the Jdubs with the help of the governing body bring that news to the people's doors. I nearly gagged on the "comments".
The growing insanity on the part of so many members of this cult should be of concern to the medical profession.
The insanity continues
by FedUpJW inas if anymore proof were needed that what used to be the religion i was baptized into has ceased to exist i was asked this insane question, when i mentioned to a jdub that someone i knew was celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.
are they witnesses?".
i didn't used to really think about that insane question in the past, but now that i have woke up to ttatt it is glaringly obvious that they think there can be no chance of actually knowing and getting along with anyone outside their tiny circle of conditional friends.
As if anymore proof were needed that what used to be the religion I was baptized into has ceased to exist I was asked this insane question, when I mentioned to a JDub that someone I knew was celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. . ."How do you know them? Are they Witnesses?"
I didn't used to really think about that insane question in the past, but now that I have woke up to TTATT it is glaringly obvious that they think there can be no chance of actually knowing and getting along with anyone outside their tiny circle of conditional friends. When I said it was a person I knew because of common interests, not a JDub or someone I worked with, you would have thought they were going to faint dead away from shock and disappointment.
As another poster used to say before I joined this forum, "Let's review. IT'S A CULT!"
Why aren't there windows in the KH?
by longgone inthe last kh i attended, (faded) was built in 2014. there are no windows anywhere, although the front doors are glass.
it's nothing but a brown brick rectangle, as nondescript as possible as well.. any thoughts about why?.
I just had the unfortunate experience of being in a KH in a different city, for the sake of family still in.
No windows, single wide steel door with no window, and the door was promptly locked from the inside at the start of the meeting. Anyone who was late, or like me stepped outside for some fresh air and elbow room, had to knock loudly on the door and be re-admitted by one of the attendants who glared and made a comment about not appreciated the "food at the proper time".
WT “Study” for 11th Sept 2016 – “Why Must We ‘Keep on the Watch’”?
by Nicholaus Kopernicus ini was really puzzled when i opened this edition of the wt magazine at the above “study”.
what on earth has this picture at the top of page 13 got to do with christian watchfulness?
i wasn’t making a connection at all.
I wonder which GB member has a an oblong device inserted into his orifice regarding "disrespectful" JWs who have the unmitigated gall to actually continue talking while the "theocratic music" is playing prior to a CA.
Judging by a comment made by the C.O. at yesterday's assembly, it is Splane.
Circuit ASSembly low-lites
by FedUpJW inso in an effort to relieve some pressure here are what i term the low-lites of yesterday's assembly that i had to endure for the sake of family still in and my progressing fade.
apologies in advance for being pretty long winded.. these may not all be the actual words used, but the ones i use are close, and they pretty well say what was said from the platform.. right off the bat in the opening prayer the praises of the governing body were spoken.
thanking the g.b.
So in an effort to relieve some pressure here are what I term the low-lites of yesterday's ASSembly that I had to endure for the sake of family still in and my progressing fade. Apologies in advance for being pretty long winded.
These may not all be the actual words used, but the ones I use are close, and they pretty well say what was said from the platform.
Right off the bat in the opening prayer the praises of the governing body were spoken. Thanking the g.b. for all the "food at the proper time."
The majority of words I heard in the hour long four part symposium were: threats-attacks-targets-violence-worthless-persecution. Followed by an "experience" of some woman who was a single parent and wanted to go to Beth-hell. She had no job, no money, little food, but the desire to take her two kids on a cross country trip to see world headquarters was important so she prayed, and lo and behold Jehovah took her to Beth-hell. She JUST KNEW he did that when she crossed the bridge and saw the WT sign. (clap clap clap clap) Followed again by words like worthless-can't pioneer. Then the counsel to give to Jehovah, contribute $$$$$. And don't make a habit of watching the news because it is Satan's world so the news will always be bad, and we might hear something that will erode our faith. (pedophiles in the org?)
Mid-morning song. . .followed by only one announcement. "Brothers we can demonstrate our faith in Jehovah by honoring him with our valuable things. Contribution boxes have been placed conveniently throughout the facility so YOU can contribute. Your generous spirit is appreciated."
LUNCH and a chance to get out in some clean air for awhile.
Main talk by C.O. I tuned out most of it. But I did catch the question, "How can we show faith in Jehovah?" The answer was to wait on him to fix any problems we may think we have, and of course listen to the governing body when they give us direction." Then came what I thought was one of the two the biggest WTF moment/comments of the whole day. The C.O. made the statement, "We must listen to the GB and watch Jay Double You dot Org to get the word of Jehovah because that is how he speaks to us, and doing those two things will mean our life."
Mid-afternoon song. . .announcement, "We started off with a $1,000 deficit. We sent $3,500 to the branch. Expenses so far have been $1,500. We have received contributions of $1,100. Contributions have been placed throughout the facility so you can conveniently make your generous voluntary contributions." (Not one thin dime did FedUp give)
Last symposium started off with some kid listening to "bad" music. Got invited to go to a concert by a couple school friends and said okay. Freeze motion. Brother giving part mentioned how listening to good faith building music would protect the young lad. Demo re-started and the young guy this time is listening to JW music. Gets asked to go to concert and offers those two "evil" worldly boys a listen to his JW music "with an up tempo beat." They decline, and he goes the other way. (clap clap clap clap)
Then of course came the obligatory damnation of full time work. Don't take a good job when you can live off the labor and charity of others while waiting for Jehovah to give you part time work. That was followed by a part instructing "faithful" ones not to give too much attention to preserving their lives. After all Jehovah will resurrect you. . .soon, in paradise.
The last C.O. part had the other big WTF moment when he commented about how well everyone took the orders to sit down when the afternoon music started. He was so proud, "he wished he could have taken a picture and sent it to Bro. Splane so he could see how well -------Circuit number -------- listened. But then he realized that it wasn't Bro. Splane they had listened to but Jehovah himself!"
There was the normal shunning=good comment, a brief aside about the possibility of some having to move to congregations in another town to consolidate "use of dedicated funds by reducing the number of KH." Would we show faith and just go where we are told without complaining, even if it is further away? (Wonder how that will get paid for with part-time or no work by illiterate welfare leeches?)
Top attendance was 742, with 4 dunked. Just over one-half of a percent.
Talk on "Reaching Out"-Only What BOE Thinks Matters
by Simon Templar infor the “living as christians” section of the workbook, “are you reaching out?” talk (15 min), the bethelite gave this talk at the meeting.
he totally departed from the subject matter which is the watchtower of september 15, 2014, pages 3-6. he was so far off the reservation, it wasn't funny.
here are a few highlights of what was said: 1) if any brother asked why they haven’t been appointed, and wants to know if there is a problem or condition that exists, that brother is too “presumptuous” and therefore, can’t be used.
1) If any Brother asked why they haven’t been appointed, and wants to know if there is a problem or condition that exists, that Brother is too “presumptuous” and therefore, can’t be used. 2) No Brother should ask about this, but just wait on the body to act. If he isn't appointed, that means that the BOE feels that he isn't qualified. That's it.
I have been told the exact same thing in the past before I got fed up with the bullshlt. Then they wonder why no one wants to "reach out" anymore. After watching men who cheated on their wives, embezzled from their employers, were regularly drunk etc. getting rapidly appointed because they gave large $$$$ to the congregation while hard-working, conscientious men who kept out of the spot light were overlooked and put down I have done everything I can to avoid any "privileges".