...only white shorts on the platform at assemblies and conventions,
I know this was a typo...but thanks for giving me a great laugh this morning in an otherwise pretty serious day. The only draw back is I now have to clean coffee out of my keyboard!
blondie’s comments you will not hear at the april 9, 2017 wt study (february 2017) (purpose).
excellent general website: www.jwfacts.com .
...only white shorts on the platform at assemblies and conventions,
I know this was a typo...but thanks for giving me a great laugh this morning in an otherwise pretty serious day. The only draw back is I now have to clean coffee out of my keyboard!
an innocent picture of a city in my country, spain.
the pic says everything.
many jw are really disgusted about everything, even their new preaching cart.
For two years the cart that the local congregation paid for has sat in the un-opened shipping box. First behind the literature counter, then in the mechanical room, now being used as a shelf to stack paint cans on.
At least it is getting some productive use!
the following is from a facebook post and..maybe i am missing something, but none of these items disprove them being in a cult.
jehovah's witnesses are often mistaken to be something else.
some say it a secret cult while others believe something else.......i'm very proud to tell you my readers that i'm one of jehovah's witnesses.. below are 17 facts that shows jehovah's witness is not a cult..... 1. there are currently about 8 million jehovah's witnesses around the world.. 2. an average of over 800 people become jehovah's witnesses daily.. 3. we keep coming to your doors even though we have regular jobs and family like you because we are admonished to do so by jesus christ.. 4. we do not participate in wars and for this reason more than 1600 jehovah's witnesses were killed by hitler.. 5. there are currently over 300 jehovah's witnesses in prison in south korea and egypt because they refused to stop preaching or enlist in the military.. 6. we don't salute the flag or say national anthems because we pledge our allegiance only to god.. 7. yes we have fun and party too so don't get that twisted.. 8. not many of us know the name of the president of our headquarters because we do not pay any reference to him he is a fellow servant of god just like the rest of us are.. 9. you earn the privilege of becoming a jehovah's witness.
7. Yes we have fun and party too so don't get that twisted.
HAHAHAHA. If one thinks sitting around in dress clothes that look like they came from the tent and awning store, playing bible games, gossiping about JDubya slackers who either are not out recruiting for enough hours each month or are not sucking up to "appointed" positions, and drinking soda pop is a fun party I guess this one MIGHT be true.
it has to have happened.
people get stressed out, an elder or overseer takes just two steps over the line and gets a fat lip for his trouble.. does that ever happen?
or maybe someone "counsels" a brother at the wrong time and tempers flare at the old kingdom hall?.
please excuse me for long-winded ranting.
i know, as do most of us here that "love" is not something that the jdub's are known for except in their deluded, feeble minds.. i can handle their hypocrisy when it is directed at me, but when it is aimed at family who for decades have genuinely been the type of jw that the watchtower presents to the public, and when it is motivated by pure hate, then i get pissed!.
my mother was dunked in the 1940's and my father in the 1950's.
THANK YOU everyone for your thoughts. Today much of what needs to be done for my father will be done. I have, I believe, sheltered his finances and property now from the GB(greedy bastards) who would rob widows and orphans.
jw special conventions.
who's going?.
are you "special" enough to be chosen?.
But Americans got invited to all 8 parties.
Of course it seems that the only Americans invited are the wealthy big contributors. As usual the general area of the US where I live is NOT invited, as the eldurr was so careful to point out when he read the letter about the "special" conventions. He also made a big point of telling everyone that we could still have a part in the "special" conventions by giving $$$$$! Guess there isn't enough people in this area to give enough money to make it worthwhile to actually invite anyone from here though.
please excuse me for long-winded ranting.
i know, as do most of us here that "love" is not something that the jdub's are known for except in their deluded, feeble minds.. i can handle their hypocrisy when it is directed at me, but when it is aimed at family who for decades have genuinely been the type of jw that the watchtower presents to the public, and when it is motivated by pure hate, then i get pissed!.
my mother was dunked in the 1940's and my father in the 1950's.
Any chance you can talk him into giving the 30% to a real charity and not the WTBS?
I may have been able to do so. I suggested that all the stocks, bonds, savings accounts and checking accounts be set up with me as the POD named beneficiary. I mentioned that would avoid a costly drawn out probate. He inherited everything from my mother, which is good. And as POD I will automatically get everything when the inevitable happens. Yes, we did consult with a lawyer to do this. The lawyer also said this will supersede named beneficiaries in the will for at least the cash estate. Property will still need to be divided as per the will. At least the GB (Greedy Bastards) won't get the lions share...THIS time!
please excuse me for long-winded ranting.
i know, as do most of us here that "love" is not something that the jdub's are known for except in their deluded, feeble minds.. i can handle their hypocrisy when it is directed at me, but when it is aimed at family who for decades have genuinely been the type of jw that the watchtower presents to the public, and when it is motivated by pure hate, then i get pissed!.
my mother was dunked in the 1940's and my father in the 1950's.
Thank you! I do see that the will left over one-third of their collective estate to the greedy bums in New York.
THAT was the problem...it was only one-third, not 100%. (Sarcasm also)
As for my dad, he has pretty well quit meetings, assemblies are a thing of the past as are conventions. He referred to Matthew 15: 8 as the reason. He and my mother were so close I really do not expect him to even live out the summer. He has gone down hill rapidly in just the last few weeks.
As for me, I do not really believe that I will see either one of them again. Death is just an end. No heaven, no hell, no resurrection. Just nothingness. So nothing to fear. Thanks JW's for f--king that hope up too with your constant changes in doctrine and pettiness.
please excuse me for long-winded ranting.
i know, as do most of us here that "love" is not something that the jdub's are known for except in their deluded, feeble minds.. i can handle their hypocrisy when it is directed at me, but when it is aimed at family who for decades have genuinely been the type of jw that the watchtower presents to the public, and when it is motivated by pure hate, then i get pissed!.
my mother was dunked in the 1940's and my father in the 1950's.
Please excuse me for long-winded ranting. I know, as do most of us here that "love" is not something that the JDub's are known for except in their deluded, feeble minds.
I can handle their hypocrisy when it is directed at me, but when it is aimed at family who for decades have genuinely been the type of JW that the Watchtower presents to the public, and when it is motivated by pure hate, THEN I get pissed!
My mother was dunked in the 1940's and my father in the 1950's. My father held positions of responsibility at all levels of JWdom up to the district level. My mother was a full-time pioneer. On top of that they were the picture of hospitality and generosity. Their home was always open to those who found themselves in need. Their ears ready to listen and not judge. Their shoulders ready to support a sad and crying person. In all ways they were the epitome of what a true follower of Jesus should be. They were also the best parents any child could have. IMO.
On top of all that they WORKED. My mom was self-employed, my father was employed by a international corporation. Both invested wisely and lived below their means. As a result they had finances to travel locally and internationally, to gift their children when needed, and to anonymously gift others, including those who were not JW's. As an example they read about a poor family whose three year old daughter had died. That family had no way to provide a decent burial for her. My parents paid for the entire cost of the funeral and burial, anonymously. Even though because of jealousy and pettiness my father had been booted out as an eldurr he and my mother purchased outright land for a new kingdom hall, which due to infighting on the eldurr body was never built, the land sold and the money sent to New York. They saw nothing for their efforts.
As a direct result of the unchristian idiot actions in that area they moved. Once again, late in life they began the climb up the JW ladder of acceptance in their new location. This was not done in any way to gain recognition for themselves. It was the "natural" result of their still living as Christlike Christians.
Sadly though as they aged and slowed down all those good qualities were for nothing any longer. My mother developed Alzheimer's related dementia and as one eldurr told me, "is an embarrassment to the congregation. It would be nice if she just went to sleep and died in her sleep."
Because my father lovingly took care of her himself, instead of institutionalizing her, he once again was booted to the curb as being too old and not "putting kingdom interests first." A result of the caregiver stress was that he got short tempered with people, especially those phony JW's who couldn't be bothered to lift a finger to ease his burden, but sure could point those fingers at him when he didn't make a meeting, or get enough hours in the recruitment work.
Neither one of them bought into the tablet craze. For that they were ridiculed as being behind the times and not keeping up with Gee-HO-vahs chariot. They were further ostracized. At that tiime my mother in one of her lucid moments made the comment, "If this JW religion was around in the forties I NEVER would have become one!" At that time my father also shut off the money faucet and quit contributing.
Now just recently my mother died. After more than sixty years together my father is alone. While I do all I can it is a real irritation to see those oh-so-loving HYPOCRITES drive by my parents home on the way to worship their God at their kingdom hall ONLY FOUR BUILDINGS away from my parents home and NEVER smile, wave, or stop! NEVER a phone call inquiring as to how my now grieving, elderly father is doing. As he said he could die and no one from the hall would know or care!
I know there are some who will comment they got what they deserved. You have that right. I know there are some who will question why I still live over one thousand miles away. You also have that right, and I have my reasons. All I can say for now is I hope that IF there is a god he will payback ten-fold the misery these hypocrite JW's have heaped on my parents, and now my father!
yes folks!
it's an eight page printout from the cd-rom of the scriptures and wt reference for use during the midweek clam meeting.. 'references for life and ministry meeting workbook'.
*** w13 4/15 p. 13 par. 6 Help Yourself and Others by Using God’s Word ***
Rather than paraphrasing key scriptures or reading them from a computer printout or an electronic device, open the Bible and read from it, and encourage the audience to do the same.
*** km 9/00 p. 3 Question Box ***
It is important to keep in mind that one reason for looking up scriptures is to confirm that what is being said is from the Bible. (Acts 17:11) Another objective is to examine the Scriptural evidence in support of what is being discussed so that the faith of all is strengthened. Seeing what the Bible actually says while a key text is read will make a double impression on the mind.
When the speaker reads selected scriptures, he does so directly from the Bible, not from a computer-generated printout. When the speaker invites the audience to read along, he clearly states the Bible book, the chapter, and the verse(s). By pausing to raise a question or to comment briefly on why the text is to be read, he allows time for the audience to find the scripture. Repeating the citation will also help the audience remember the reference. It is not recommended, however, to mention a page number, since these vary depending on the particular Bible edition that individuals in the audience are using. Looking up scriptures when invited to do so helps the audience benefit from the power of God’s Word
*** km 9/09 p. 2 par. 3 Skillfully Use the Bible ***
Many find that reading Bible texts directly from the Bible rather than from a computer monitor or printout makes it easier to locate them later when needed in the ministry.—John 14:26.