So the releases are for electronic devices...only?
I refuse to be forced into their goofy electronic device crap!
convention introductions.
2017 “don’t give up!” convention.
So the releases are for electronic devices...only?
I refuse to be forced into their goofy electronic device crap!
convention introductions.
2017 “don’t give up!” convention.
Christ on a crutch!
Be natural, but do it EXACTLY as we order you!
i pretty much did it all.
vacation pioneered as a youngster and became a regular pioneer out of school.
i became a ms then an elder.....the organization pushes you to be somebody within the confines of their realm.
Did everything a good little Dubbie was supposed to do. All the free labor...vacation pioneer/temporary pioneer/auxiliary pioneer, all the things that should have been MS/Elder material, but never quite was ever good enough for anything else, just the work with none of the perks. always some half-fast excuse why they thought I didn't make the grade.
So I asked myself, "Ladder? What ladder? I don't need no stinking ladder!"
JDubs can shove their ladder up their anal orifices.
we had a special talk (streaming) today from g. jackson, announcing the new revised bible in dutch.
there are many many changes, even some of the the dutch 'jw-language' will change because bible verses changed.
also brother jackson admitted (be it in a joking way ) that whole talks in the past (until now) had been based on wrong translated bible verses.
....whole talks in the past (until now) had been based on wrong translated bible verses.
They were, and still are. It's the WT after all!
this latest attack in manchester u.k. targeting a venue attended by mainly children and teenagers who go to a concert by their favorite singer and then to be attacked by a terroist has to be the last straw... surely ?
22 dead at last count mainly young girls enjoying a concert of their favourite singer ?
and at least 50 others suffering injuries ?.
Stop fighters and their families returning from ISIS and areas controlled by other terrorists,
Agreed. When one of them is arrested for a crime be sure they NEVER get back. The most effective way to fight an out of control range fire is to start a back-fire so there is no fuel for the range fire to use to exist. Does the term "fight fire with fire" ring a bell? Death of the enemy is what this religion of "peace" promotes, and it is way past time for them to be on the receiving end of the exact same treatment by the rest of the sane world. The only way you can clean a building of cockroaches is to exterminate them, not just kill three or four.
i have several times asked people in my congregation about aliens, and what the org would do if they appeared, and everyone stated that aliens dont exist.
i did this since this is of great interest to me, and the universe generally amazes me.. everything is apparently centered around earth, and gods ability to be better at ruling than satan.
and i will point out that i havent even been ruled by god yet, as the bible says, so i still dont get how satans inablity to rule proves gods ability to rule... what do you guys think would happen if real extraterrestial life was confirmed - the intelligent sort of life.
When someone says there cannot be extraterrestrial life on other planets, solar systems, galaxies etc. I always ask, "Why not?" One has to be pretty arrogant to think that God (If one believes the Bible) created the entire universe, and then only populated ONE solitary planet out of those billions that were made.
now kids can help draw lot's wife getting destroyed.. .
Ah...can hardly wait to see the fun time for kiddies picture of beheadings.
Nothing extremist about glorifying decapitations in children's game books is there?
short info on interesting changes to the major conventions this year: there will be a new security concept that will be implemented at all regional conventions in 2017.. similar to other major events (e.g.
festivals, concerts), there will be admittance controls in stadiums.. - at each entrance, there will be a massive presence of attendants that look at each visitor.. - there will be pocket checks at the entrance.. - suspicious persons are no longer left on the convention grounds.. - suppliers to the stadium will be intensively inspected by attendants.. - there will be a special sign for attendants that must enter the stadium before 7.30 am.
all others (even all attendants) can only enter after 7.30 am..
It would seem odd if such a major security change were implemented without some form of written directives for clarity and as a means of quality control
I don't know about written directives, but a fellow in my area who still talks to me mentioned that all the eldurrs and mistrial servants were called to a special meeting next state over. They had go through special training now to be attendants. No training=no more attendant duty. Something different is going on. And of course now they have another reason to feel "special" and just a bit better than the next JW.
thursday 18 may 2017 onejehovah delivers his people: the bible account at exodus chapters 3 to 15 gives proof that the god who parted the red sea will rescue you too if you exercise faith with endurance. (720): twolessons you can learn from the bible: this publication will take you on a journey through time, from the bible account of creation, to the birth and ministry of jesus, and on to the kingdom to come. threeremember the wife of lot: the warning jesus gave nearly 2,000 years ago is more important than ever.
see how brian and gloria learn to protect their family from the dangers jesus warned about.
part 1: the pressure to succeed (720):
For the most part, this book has been prepared with children
in mind.
WT...still targeting the children I see.
3 missed calls from my jw brother last night.
i didnt answer because he's actively shunning me and when he does ring it always to preach to me about how we're so close to the end and how i should "humble myself before the mighty hand of god" .
he then texts me saying "we need to talk".
"You're going to die in armageddon".
NOT ME! I will die of old age, or perhaps an accident, like every other human down through the ages.