It's no longer types or's "lessons".
JoinedPosts by FedUpJW
JW renaming things: "It's Not this, it's ....."
by Muddy Waters inthis was brought up in another thread, but i thought it should have its own thread.
feel free to add your own observations and experience.
the jws are so duplicit, and they rename things to somehow justify their own irrationalities.
Stupid Illustration
by FedUpJW inso as i sit here listening to the sunday morning bs session the elder on the stage yapped about religion and that there can only be one religion leading to god.
he used the illustration of a bicycle wheel.
it has many spokes and they all lead to the center.
So as I sit here listening to the Sunday morning BS session the elder on the stage yapped about religion and that there can only be ONE religion leading to God. He used the illustration of a bicycle wheel. It has many spokes and they all lead to the center. And he said that many people feel that way about religion, all religions will lead to God. But they are WRONG, there is only ONE religion that leads to God.
I thought what a stupid illustration.
I don't know of ANY bicycle that can be ridden with wheels that have only ONE SPOKE!
What are some of the most idiotic illustrations you have heard over the years?
Of all the bible characters would you like any as a friend ?
by Chook intax collector guy might help out..
None of them.
A WTF Moment While In the WTS
by Searching inhas anyone else had a moment, while still within the organization (and before learning ttatt) that caused them to stop and go, "this is kind of messed up.".
for instance, back i believe in the early 2000's, i was attending a dc with my family.
it was announced at the beginning of the convention that there was going to be a special announcement at the end, so for everyone to please try to remain until the very end of the meeting.
But personally- it was the abuse of power by the elders that led me to many of my WTF ? moments.
That is spot on. Being loaded up with crap chores that the elders had no desire to do and never getting any of the so-called perks that should have gone with them. Being told that because I asked why not, when, and what I had to do to "qualify" for appointment I was showing that I was only interested in recognition. I replied with (Matthew 25:21) 21 His master said to him: ‘Well done, good and faithful slave! You were faithful over a few things. I will appoint you over many things. Enter into the joy of your master.. . .
Of course that went over like a fart in church!Then being told in a "special" backroom meeting that the real reason I didn't qualify was that I had been married more than just once, and the requirements were to be a husband of ONE wife. And that made me reprehensible.
Finally got fed up with the made up BS and chose to be nothing other than a chair warmer[for family reasons] and do whatever I could to be a thorn in their sides.
JW renaming things: "It's Not this, it's ....."
by Muddy Waters inthis was brought up in another thread, but i thought it should have its own thread.
feel free to add your own observations and experience.
the jws are so duplicit, and they rename things to somehow justify their own irrationalities.
"Older Men" = twenty/thirty year old elders that couldn't give a rats tail about anyone or anything not centered on themselves giving counsel to sixty or seventy year old people.
March 22, 2017 TO ALL CONVENTION COMMITTEES Re: Discontinuation of Physical Distribution of Convention Releases
by wifibandit inmarch 22, 2017 to all convention committees re: discontinuation of physical distribution of convention releases.
This is a further big change for old timers.
And some of us "rebellious" not so old timers. I will be godd--ned if I am going to invest money in electronic gadgets for THEIR benefit. I refuse to promote their website, I refuse to watch their propaganda videos, and I refuse to download their latest nulite!
Isn't there a better way
by FedUpJW injust got done clicking streets signs, store fronts, vehicles, mountains, and roads capcha squares.
and yes, i clicked what was requested.
each time i login i get one or two more capcha challenges added to the number.. isn't there a better way to login?.
Just had to go through SIXTEEN different capcha screens.
A review of the WT study, "Do not let your love grow cold."
by doubtfull1799 ina while ago someone (i forget who) was doing a series, a regular analysis, of wt studies from the current week.
i have't seen any for a while so i thought i'd contribute one.
have a bit of fun picking out all the unsubstantiated assertions and logical fallacies etc... so here goes: (if you enjoy it let me know and i might try doing another.
Jesus said that his followers would be known by "LOVE" among themselves.
So IF, as WT hammers on about, the "world"(non JDubs) are not Jesus followers then how the hell can something they DO NOT have cool off? It cannot!
So trying to absolve themselves of ANY responsibility to be genuine in their "love" for each other WT claims it is THE WORLD whose "love" for God is cooling off. The crumb is thrown out in the last few paragraphs, but as a nearly ninety year old brother said recently, "They have "love" on their lips, but NOT in their hearts!"
The utter BS of their claim is obvious.
Meeting attendance for elders
by dkztcequ inwhat is the minimum meeting attendace for someone, who is of good health, has not children doesn't work in a job that requires travel and lives about 3 miles from the kh?
is 50% for clam and 75% for watchtower acceptable?.
OR how much money he has .
THAT more than anything else will be the determining factor..
Special Bethelite Speakers
by JW_Rogue ini've noticed that some elders will insist on getting a special bethel speaker for memorials, special talks, or sometimes for no reason at all!
i believe they are trying build connections they can use later, but who pays for it?
the congregation does and as a former account servant i can tell you airfare isn't all that cheap.
Anybody else notice this trend?
I sure have. Where I am at there is one cong. that just cannot abide to be second to any other cong. in any matter. Regularly fly out "special" Bethel speakers, and then they put on the dog and pony show. The only ones who get to go sit through the whole she-bang are the oh so mighty elders, pioneers, and any really favored ones who get a personal invite and then get bragging rights to lord it over the rest of the peons about how THEY got to hear the guy, and all the "special" vomit that flowed from his pie-hole.
Thank gawd I have NEVER been invited to one of these ass-kiss fests.