Will it ever end??
No, it is here to stay just like the cold virus and flu virus.
Will a vaccine end this pandemic?
No, the best to hope for is another type of flu virus vaccine that lessons the symptoms when people come down with it as they surely will continue to do. Trying to get a vaccine that ends the virus will be exactly as successful as flu vaccines have been in eliminating all flu virus', or HIV vaccines that end that virus.
Will it suddenly
dissipate if Joe Biden becomes President?
Only to the degree the media and the left quit hyping it 24/7, especially in the U.S. as an anti-Trump weapon.
Will we just learn to live
with the virus like we do with yearly flus?
Somewhat. People will have to adjust to living with permanent 365/24/7 mask mandates, "social" distancing, restrictions on family gatherings, restrictions on travel, loss of businesses, loss of income, loss of investments, loss of personal freedom to decide for oneself how to live your life. The government(s) have tasted the sweet taste of control over the masses and will never relinquish that. Get used to it.