They have said in their announcements/letters that the JW's must not be in a hurry to relax the guidelines/mandates /social distancing/lock-downs ad-nauseam, with the "reminder" that THE WORLD rushes to do so only for financial reasons. (Not their exact words, but anyone can read between the lines and know what they mean.)
Just like some politicians, I think the JW religions leaders will not loosen the grip of control now that they have experienced the increased control with the excuse of COVID. They will "suggest" that good little dubbies will continue to do everything that they were months behind in implementing a year ago for the foreseeable future. Already there are JW's in the area I live that are getting very vocal, and very irritated because not everyone is getting the gene therapy jab, and voicing the opinion that there will be congregation imposed restrictions placed on any who do not get the jab.