Hate is just the opposite sign of the same coin that has love on the other side.
Both emotions expend precious energy.
I have neither for JW's.
first thing comes to mind is that this organization through its leaders are not witnessing the true and honest version of the gospel teachings of jesus christ .. they are subjectively teaching/preaching a tainted version made up by the top controlling men of the organization, which i'm sure is connected to the proliferation and distribution of literature which these men publish themselves.
when jesus said that no one knows of the time not even he, he didn't say a select few will know .. the other thing that bothers me is this organization promotes human ignorance on many levels, admonishing education or knowledge that mankind needs for its very survival... there are many other religious organizations that do this as well but the jws is just one of these organizations.
Hate is just the opposite sign of the same coin that has love on the other side.
Both emotions expend precious energy.
I have neither for JW's.
here are some little child encouragers at work.. .
how do they report time since the halls closed?.
Yep, still reporting time. And still being hounded for time by the eldurrs. Just had one email me after several months of being left alone, asking if, "there is any chance he could get any time I had to report?"
My emailed answer, "There is always a chance." Then nothing more than that. Added his email to my blocked sender list.
i found this interesting perspective on reddit.. post;.
i remember the moment the first real crack in my faith happened as a jehovah's witness.
i was sitting in the kingdom hall during the watchtower study where, as is common, the article was talking about how the israelites as a nation abandoned jehovah.. "but wait," i thought, "having a nation represent him here on earth was part of his plan.
The over oppression of power and control which JWS elders are afforded is a reason that made many people leave this organization altogether. JWS elders are there to judge, evaluate and even penalize people at will to an individual's apparent righteousness.
That is pretty much what started me on the path to disbelief.
i hate anyone bothering me going door to door and house to house.
maybe it’s my jw background?
i dunno..
When someone comes onto my property who I do not know or have not invited, they are trespassing. I live out of town and to get to my property they have to drive.
I will inform them they are trespassing, and firmly tell them to GET THE HELL OF MY PROPERTY!
this year independence day , the 4th of july, went mostly unnoticed.
the weather didn’t help for many but besides that, the day was looked upon by news media and politicians as very negative.
there is nothing wonderful about america that should be celebrated!
My take is pretty well summed up by this comment I read elsewhere.
By every estimate the US has more than 390 million guns owned by civilians. Yet none of them are held to the heads of the anti-Americans who protest and riot about how terrible this country is, as a threat to prevent them from leaving and moving to any other country they feel would be better!
ok, i would like to submit to the forum the following question: in abstract, do you think that there is a right to not being exposed to ideas that you don’t like or disagree with?
please think it through and its implications on both ends of the spectrum.. it’s not the right to conscientious objection to do something you vehemently disagree with; it’s not about the liberty to chose which ideas you want to embrace or advocate.
it’s something different.. given that, as exjws, we understand the importance of being exposed to different opinions in order to form our own opinion, should someone claim the right not to be exposed to opinions or ideas that they don’t like?
I actually mean a LEGAL right
That implies that government gives/permits/or enforces that particular right.
A LEGAL 'right' to not be exposed to ideas that you don’t like or disagree with would give rise to censorship of ideas that any particular group of people deemed they did not like at the time. It would be a 'right' that would have no meaning as it could be changed with whatever politically correct/woke goofiness was popular at the time.
So no, I do not think people should have the LEGAL 'right' not to be exposed to ideas they do not like or agree with. They do have the inherent personal right though to make their own choice if they wish to continue to listen or not.
as a youg man this stunned me when i studied the original "youth" book 97% had done it so i thought soo that's pretty much everyone i guess the 3% were witness youth!
also "awake" claimed 90% of students had accessed porn at some time.
everyone is doing it i guess 10% are the witness youth...how dumb was i?.
Masturbation is pretty much as natural and common as blowing your nose.
If I remember it was George Carlin who said, "If we were not supposed to masturbate, our hands would be where our shoulders are!"
do you think he could get reinstated as president?
do you think trump will run again for president or do you think he will just be a force for the republican party behind the scenes?.
I would like to see Trump make a comeback, just to watch TDS sufferers heads explode.
Otherwise I personally think he is a crude, boorish person I would not choose to associate with. But he did do some good things for the U.S.
I sometimes pray to a milk jug.
I get the exact same answers doing that as when I prayed to God.
1. No.
2. Yes
3. Wait
This is what convinced me that prayer DOES NOT WORK.
are you ready to celebrate??
it’s such a big holiday that the local electric company will be closed in order to celebrate.
only emergencies will be dealt with on that day.. what are you doing for the holiday?.
As a white male I love fried chicken and watermelon. I hope that doesn’t mean anything negative
So do I. And there we go, engaging in "cultural" appropriation again.