In the final analysis, we must personally decide whether we will serve Jehovah. (Josh. 24:15) So, grieving parents, fight the tendency to think that this tragedy must be your fault!
There was a P.O. in the upper Midwest (US) who said in a public talk titled "Are You Building With Fire Resistant Materials" that according to Proverbs 22: 6 which says "Train up a boy according to the way for him; even when he grows old he will not turn aside from it," that when a young person leaves da troof in later life it was because THE PARENTS FAILED to give them proper training. I asked him after the meeting if he REALLY meant what he said, or if I had misunderstood. He said he meant it. So I asked him to explain to me Adam and Eve, Satan, and Judas Iscariot. There were three or four brothers that had to hold us apart or the fists would have flown. That nitwit lives in central Arizona (US) now. I pity the poor schmucks that have to listen to him now.