Were you ever accused of offending someone??
Not often. Only on days that had the letter "Y" in their name, and only in months of the year that had a vowel in their name. Other than that I don't think so.
there always seems to be someone offended by something.
in today’s world if you don’t see eye to eye with someone they claim to be offended.
if you don’t support a cause that someone deems important, they get offended.
Were you ever accused of offending someone??
Not often. Only on days that had the letter "Y" in their name, and only in months of the year that had a vowel in their name. Other than that I don't think so.
this is nothing but illegal.
telling people that they can not evict a dead beat renter for not paying rent while the land owner has to pay for repairs, insurance, taxes and a mortgage is such a private property grab.
any one who votes for these assholes is a total idiot.
The free ride via the government is over.
There never should have been a "free" ride. People seem to forget the saying, "There ain't no such thing as a free lunch." SOMEONE is paying for the "free" stuff that the left seems to always give away, courtesy of the employed hard working man or woman, to what is normally the professional users.
If one chooses to live beyond their means and not save a dime for the future that is not my fault, it is not the responsibility of anyone else to bail them out!
Call me hard hearted, I had a belly full of the chronic users in the JW world who could always find enough for a new smartphone, a new car, or getting a new credit card; then they whined, pissed, and moaned about how unfair Satan's world was when the bills came due and they had no savings set aside for a rainy day to fall back on and believed it was their due to get looked after.
I have very little sympathy for most people who cannot pay rent.
president biden is saying everyone should be vaccinated.
if this is for the purpose of us not getting ill, why isn’t every illegal alien required to get the vaccines??
i don’t understand..
I don’t understand.
Moving to Norway, Iceland, New Zealand.
Don't let your coat-tails drag!
after listening to the zoom meetings the past two weeks, i started to wonder, what is the real purpose for such short comments.
policy for 5 or more years now.
supposedly, it is so more can comment.
Ones who formerly gave. . .nice well thought out comments. . .now basically regurgitate what’s in the paragraph.
It prevents members from doing research.
These two comments are pretty well spot on.
the watchtower—study edition | september 2021. study article 39. when a loved one leaves jehovah.
2 think how heartbroken jehovah must have been when members of his own angelic family turned their back on him!
(jude 6) and imagine how hurt he was at seeing his beloved people, the israelites, rebel against him time and again.
12 By supporting the elders’ decision to disfellowship your loved one, you may actually help him to return to Jehovah.
Wait just a minute, I thought the eldurrs claim was that the decision to disfellowship is already made by God. And just exactly how many would ever return to the JW's IF they were not being shunned by all their family and friends and nothing changed? I dare say not one single one!
the watchtower—study edition | september 2021. study article 39. when a loved one leaves jehovah.
2 think how heartbroken jehovah must have been when members of his own angelic family turned their back on him!
(jude 6) and imagine how hurt he was at seeing his beloved people, the israelites, rebel against him time and again.
In the final analysis, we must personally decide whether we will serve Jehovah. (Josh. 24:15) So, grieving parents, fight the tendency to think that this tragedy must be your fault!
There was a P.O. in the upper Midwest (US) who said in a public talk titled "Are You Building With Fire Resistant Materials" that according to Proverbs 22: 6 which says "Train up a boy according to the way for him; even when he grows old he will not turn aside from it," that when a young person leaves da troof in later life it was because THE PARENTS FAILED to give them proper training. I asked him after the meeting if he REALLY meant what he said, or if I had misunderstood. He said he meant it. So I asked him to explain to me Adam and Eve, Satan, and Judas Iscariot. There were three or four brothers that had to hold us apart or the fists would have flown. That nitwit lives in central Arizona (US) now. I pity the poor schmucks that have to listen to him now.
if you were born in, do you count from the year of your birth, when you gave your first presentation at the door, (i was five),.
when you became an unbaptized publisher, (i was about 12), or when you dedicated your life to god,(org) and took the plunge?
what could you have done with all of this time?
I counted from the day I was dunked until I said this is all B.S. Of course that took some years, about 2.5 years in a dogs life.
i knew a few witnesses who were very proud of the fact that their kids were homeschooled.
years ago, i would raise my eyebrows wondering why these families couldn’t simply integrate their kids with other “worldly” kids.
at this point in time, with so many theories being pushed on kids and their parents, i can see why parents, if they are qualified, could instruct their kids themselves.
How were these kids prepared to face the world when they had to go to work?
Work? The ones I knew never worked a day in their lives. Their "work" consisted of going to the local welfare office to file for disability, or collecting food stamps; then complaining to the better educated JW's and whining until they were able to guilt a few gullible others into giving them $$$ handouts or material goods. No jobs, no savings, no insurance. My father, elder that he was, referred to them in private as, "The professional sick, lame, and lazy!"
i knew a few witnesses who were very proud of the fact that their kids were homeschooled.
years ago, i would raise my eyebrows wondering why these families couldn’t simply integrate their kids with other “worldly” kids.
at this point in time, with so many theories being pushed on kids and their parents, i can see why parents, if they are qualified, could instruct their kids themselves.
We're talking adults who don't know who Shakespeare was, can't find Australia on a map, have zero knowledge of applied mathematics, don't have a good command of their own native tongue, etc, etc, etc....
I wonder where those parents got their education?
And as much as many will hate to read it, I have noticed a lot of people, even here, that cannot understand the difference between there, their, they're; or two, to, too. And they were not home schooled.
for many families, they received the golden ticket once a family member became an elder.
the glory and admiration of being an elder seeped right thru to all the elder’s connections.
if you got into some trouble, having an elder friend or relative could give you the stay out of jail card.
No, but then my father was 180° opposite from what the typical elder was and still is.
I have made a number of comments about him so I won't re-hash them, other than to say that if I were twice the man I am I would still be only half the man he was. I miss you dad.