A military style weapon.
Gotcha. It's all about what looks scary! ANY weapon can be classified as a "military" style weapon. General George S. Patton's handguns most associated with him, and which are now in the Patton Collection of the West Point Museum, are a .45 Long Colt Single Action revolver, 1873 Army Model, and a .357 Magnum Smith & Wesson revolver.
Personally as a licensed concealed carry permit holder my weapon of choice is a .45 Remington R1 semi-auto which holds 7 rounds in the magazine, and one in the pipe. And in nearly fifty years of being a permitted concealed carry handgun owner I have never shot anyone, only drawn my weapon twice, and both times it stopped a crime in progress merely by being seen by the criminal until police arrived. And none of my firearms have ever managed to load themselves, leave my house, and commit any crime. I guess they are not as "smart" as those scary guns the left screams, whines, and cries about!.