How many in a car group will kick in?
i fear this could put an end to travelling a territory due to rising prices- where i am located in canada, we are now paying $2.08 per liter .
now since there is 3.79 litres in one gallon that equates to $7.88 per gallon... .
how many in a car group will kick in?
recently, in the past few months, and this only applies to in dubs who might have taken note, the watchtower study edition made a change.
it mentioned the “warning work” where dubs are going to march around and proclaim everyone is going to die.. anyway, this article said it was now only a possibility, not a sure thing.. i can’t find it.
did watchtology change it already?.
If you then go knock on someone's door to tell them they're going to die and not only can they not do anything about it, but to actually gloat that YOU as a JW will be're very likely to get someone willing to try that little theory out!🤕🤕😂
Oh but, "At that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not."
recently, in the past few months, and this only applies to in dubs who might have taken note, the watchtower study edition made a change.
it mentioned the “warning work” where dubs are going to march around and proclaim everyone is going to die.. anyway, this article said it was now only a possibility, not a sure thing.. i can’t find it.
did watchtology change it already?.
I remember many years ago they said their warning work would change to a message of condemnation at the doors.
I remember this also. So many of the JW's I knew then got that "little tingle" down t heir legs as they claimed that they would soon deliver a message of CON-damnation instead of a message of salvation. Many of the ones I knew almost salivated over the thought of who they would most like to give that message to. So much for their "love" of neighbor!
massive new document written by wt, 837 pages, meant for arguments vs officials and media to defend the disfellowshipping arrangement.
found in the casefile in norway.
meant to be secret.. .
Thank you!
I noticed too the way this document claims that, "Individual congregants will then decide, based on their personal religious conscience, whether to limit or cease their contact with the person. . ." And we all know what WT will do to someone if that person decides that their religious conscience will allow them to have contact, limited or otherwise, with someone who is DF'd.
This is a just another blatant case where what they recently printed is a direct and intentional instance of doing exactly opposite of what they say they do not do. Damned liars! *** w22 April p. 9 par. 18 Are You “an Example . . . in Speaking”? *** "Of course, we avoid telling outright lies, but we also avoid deliberately giving the wrong impression to others."
since the resumption field service letter now my shutin wife gets a call that a group will stop by to visit after service.
same pattern as old, finish out time.
where were they before when she was having mental breakdown without nary a phone call..
In the past I heard it termed, "Our internal ministry," by an elder who didn't want to actually go in the D2D. It was as you say a way to finish out time. And it makes their monthly report look good and either get or keep an appointment so they can be looked up at in awe at by the rest of the rank and file.
my nephew called me sunday night to tell me that his nine year old son was giving his first talk.
he gave me the zoom i.d.. and password for his congregations in-person tuesday night meeting.. i haven't been to any meetings in nine years.
many things have changed.
In JW talks, Is it unpopular to read from an actual Bible now?
Yes it is. Tablets I forgot, I should use the WT approved term, electronic devices, were just really catching on when I pretty well dropped out of sight at meetings, but I was given a stern talking to by a thirty some odd year old elder about how I should be a better example of keeping up to date with the society and their use of electronic devices instead of relying on hard copies of the Bible or publications. Besides the fact I was informed that paper copies were "really expensive and labor intensive" to produce when I could just go buy an electronic device and have everything right at my fingertips. What a muh-roon!
2022-06-documents.. 2022-governing body update #4 transcript.. 2022-june-announcements and reminders.2022-june-2nd-announcement.. 2022-june-3rd-announcement.. are you prepared for a natural disaster 2022?all in the zipped folder. approved for discard.
as it warms up wearing masks at meetings is getting really old.
the numbers from the cdc don't take justify it in my opinion.
maybe come winter if things spike again.
My thinking is they're prob being over zealous because they created a bunch of anti-medical community idiots who aren't vaccinated.
Evidently you were not hearing the same message I was informed about. Masks and vaccines, still distancing. Even after the CDC and WHO allowed citizens to once again think for themselves WT is still refusing to follow current guidelines. They were several weeks slower than everyone in shutting down, and now they are even slower about opening things up.
if you think it works, what is your evidence outside of possible coincidence?.
Apart form not actually doing anything, those doing the praying allow themselves to do NOTHING FURTHER !
Exactly! I said pretty much the same thing some time ago when I still attended meetings. I told an elder that instead of the prayers asking God to, "Help those who are not here due to personal difficulties to know we looovve them," that perhaps they should ask, "Give us the insight to notice the struggles of one another and take note of those not here with us, and then move us to take action and do something for them or with them so they know we care about them," because God does not magically perform miracles. He told me that I was showing a lack of faith by not trusting God to help them.
saw this while browsing the jw site.
cartoons of rutherford.
😆 .