And notice the "son" in the video accepts the mask that someone else had used and handled and left laying on the germ laden counter.
Yep looks just like the safety the JW's fall all over themselves to practice at their in person meetings. Handling objects in the hall that everybody else has had their paws on, then handling their masks. False sense of security. And of course with their spouting how much "peace" they have it makes me think that maybe it will be them that face sudden destruction. Whenever they are saying "Peace, and security"?
I also noticed that Curzan said we have to put aside our preferences and follow Jehovah's direction. . .OR WHATEVER direction the slave gives. What happened to JW's following what their Bible says at Act 5:29?
Then he quotes the Bible and says we have to "keep perceiving what the will of Jehovah is." And follows that up with asking how we can do that. Then spouts a bunch of useless advice, because he nullifies everything he jsut said in a somewhat veiled manner when he say that the only way to perceive what God's direction is is to OBEY the governing body! Again totally ignoring what the bible says about obeying men instead of God, or that "Each one will carry his own load."
Of course anyone with even a modest amount of intelligence and perception will realize this is just another pant-load of ----!