How often are the sick and infirm neglected. Is that a 'thing' among Witnesses?
Yes, yes it is. Near the end of her life my mother who was by that time suffering from advance dementia was openly ridiculed. My father who was still at that time an elder took the "for better or worse, in sickness or health" vow very seriously so he stayed with her at home taking care of her. Not one single person from their hall would stop by because as one of them told me, "It is so embarrassing to see how her mental health has declined."
After she died my father also developed dementia and was pretty well house bound. Again not one single person from the hall would come by to visit. One elder came to tell me that I should put him in a home, and that my dad had refused to let them take his suit to the cleaners. I told him well at least when he dies of loneliness he can be buried in a clean suit!
My sister and I and a DF'd relative were his only company or caregivers for the last months of his life. At least we met his request to die at home not in a facility among strangers.
I remember what he said in one of his more clear moments, "Jehovah's Witnesses have "love" on their lips, but NONE in their hearts!"