"Jehovah, please remember those sick and afflicted. We pray that they can make a recovery and be back with us."
Just a few weeks ago I mentioned almost this very same thing to one of the eldurrs. I asked him if he ever thought about how Jehovah would "help those who are shut-in to know we "love" them," if no one ever bothered to actually go visit those shut-in persons, and see if there was anything they personally could do for, or with those ones? His reply? "Well if they are listening into the meeting on the phone tie-in they hear us ask Jehovah to help them know we "love" them and that is how they are encouraged."
Strange thing is that I must be doing something wrong. I no longer go with any group in field serve us. I go alone, without the required dress up for Sunday clothes and make my serve us into a service by going to those people and seeing of I can do their shopping for them, or fix something on their home, or perhaps just sit and spend some of that most finite and precious commodity I have with them. . .time.
I guess the eldurrs are too busy being "loving" shepherds to actually show any love.