JFK said, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
Thankfully the American voter engaged in peaceful revolution against politics as usual from BOTH sides of the aisle.
i'm sure many people, republicans included, are shocked at the results of the 2016 presidential election.
really, wtf!.
the polls were wrong and although it's tempting to blame voter suppression and fbi interference, that would just avoid looking at the real issues for the loss.
JFK said, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
Thankfully the American voter engaged in peaceful revolution against politics as usual from BOTH sides of the aisle.
i have indeed made the truth my own, and i am never going back to jehovah's witnesses.
the fact now is that talking about this religion with someone who believes it makes me sort of angry.
it raises my blood pressure.
I'm told I'm thinking too much.
Oh hell yeah! I have heard that so many times in the last year or so that I have to purposely un-clench my fists every time I hear it now. My stock answer each and every time recently is, "Really? Maybe YOU need to think a little more!"
update on u.s. local design/construction arrangement—november 2016 video will be considered the week of november 7, 2016. english and spanish.
We need over 1,200 new kingdum halls over the next five years. SEND US YOUR $$$$$$!!!!!!
Now nearly three years later only a paltry 54 have been built and we only need dozens more.
Give $$$$$
Work for free!
We need people with degrees, but don't YOU dare go to college!
I wonder if ANYONE will see the lunacy of what is going on??
Naw, I doubt it.
so the wife and i were uninvited to another jw get together which we didn't want to go to anyways.
finally we find out that something on my facebook account is getting some people's in my old halls undies in a bunch.
so i was thinking of meeting with them to at least clear my wife's name and give them some much needed hell.
You may want to quote the Feb 2017 WT, regarding the new light on the GB...
I am getting my perfunctory how the hell are you doing meeting with the CO and one of the local elduurs in two days. They say they just want to get to know me better. Yeah, right! I've been here for over twenty years. What more is there to know?
Anyway, I have this quote printed out with the direct reference to J Double You Dot Org and believe if we get into that area I will ask THEM to read it out loud, and then ask what exactly does that mean? I have fifty years of TMS "teaching" me how to converse and reason with people, plus I spent time in high school as the captain of the high school debate team. I really like getting into face to face "discussions" and using those pinheads own words to tie them in knots.
As far as any congregation actions, to hell with them!
november 1, 2016 to all bodies of elders re: using and maintaining kingdom halls.
table of contents.
ownership .........................................................................................pars.
The only thing they have to do is claim that they invented wifi...
Well where I am located a brother made a big deal in one of his ten minute prayers to thank J for the provision of the internet that the governing body had provided so they would have an avenue to get the message out to people via J double you dot org.
november 1, 2016 to all bodies of elders re: using and maintaining kingdom halls.
table of contents.
ownership .........................................................................................pars.
Interesting that property damage should be promptly reported to the police in contrast with child abuse reporting policy
Reminds me of a "safety" policy many years ago that a utility company instituted whereby they would reimburse an employee 1/3 of the cost of steel toed work boots, and $10.00 (US) for prescription safety glasses. An employee questioned why 1/3 of what at the time were $100.00 boots, but only $10.00 on what at the time were over $200.00 eyeglasses. The answer. . .you can shovel with only one eye, but not with only one foot!
Sounds like the same kind of hair-brained reasoning on the part of the Watchtower, Tract, & Tablet $ociety. Property must be maintained in a saleable condition, but molested kids don't stop real estate sales.
november 1, 2016 to all bodies of elders re: using and maintaining kingdom halls.
table of contents.
ownership .........................................................................................pars.
Imagine for a moment what the JDumbs would do if they got a letter worded the same way from their bank concerning the home they lived in.
No matter that you have the title to your home in your name, or that you have paid off your mortgage, the bank still owns your home, and it is up to you to keep sending in payments every month. Furthermore you must use your home and maintain it in the way we order you to do. You cannot repair or remodel your home without our permission.
I could go on but I am getting ill just thinking about this idiocy!
conventions always just seemed like more of a vacation to me than anything else, especially if you had to travel out of town for it, but definitely were exhausting especially toward the end of each day.
for some reason i didn't mind the special and circuit assemblies too much, probably because they seemed like more of a social event than anything else and only 1-2 days.
the memorial always was kind of boring to me.
Really? by the looks of all the people preaching in the area where I live, the advise seems to have been "walk as slowly as possible" It's hard to tell if they are walking or just standing.
This nu-lite just released. Brothers and sisters are now going to be required to carry bags of popped popcorn with them from door to door. This will serve two useful purposes. First they will be able to see if they are in fact even moving, and second at the end of the block it will help those nit-wits find their way back to the vehicle so they can hit up the coffee shop for doughnuts.
okay, in order it goes like this for me............brother peace 1980-83, brother rose 1984-86, brother yasko 1986-88, brother sekella 1988-91, brother billy ford 1992-95, brother davis 1996-99, brother irskin 2000-03 and then it gets kinda blurry....brother burge and another, brother hairston.
okay, that just about does it.
i have this topic becauce i tried reading the favorite co and do thread, but did not recognize any names......
Wayne Bjornson - pretty nice guy. Called his wife Gentle Ben. Remember the first thing out of the trunk of his car was a saddle, and the last thing loaded was that saddle.
Many, many years ago a CO last name of Armour. I was just a little guy then, but remember being with him and my dad when some guy followed us down the street shouting obscenities. After a few houses Armour got angry and went to the sidewalk and confronted the guy, grabbed him by the scruff of the neck, and marched him back to each house and made him apologize. Armour had been a pretty good boxer in his pre-Witness days I was told.
Smeltzer (sp) was an arrogant prick. Never had a thing to do with anyone if they weren't a pioneer or elder.
Also knew Steve Misterfeld. Another jackass! Always called him MISTER Brotherfeld, just because it pissed him off.
All-in-all over the years most were arrogant, unloving, opinionated, self-important puffed up useless tools, and it is only getting worse.
this notice is not official yet and it should be confidential until released thru the proper channels.
a friend of mine told me about a huge elders meeting in southern california.
the subject was the relocation and dissolution of some congregations; it seems that this is the result of some project that has been going on for some time and is going to be implemented right now.. please let me know if this is happening all over the country?.
but--what do i leave for my 3 kids?
Not sure of the inheritance laws where you are, but where I live as long as a token sum, as little as $1.00 US, is willed to survivors they cannot claim they were left out or forgotten. Then I included a provision that any challenge to the terms of the will were grounds to forfeit all inheritance..