Just had to go through SIXTEEN different capcha screens.
just got done clicking streets signs, store fronts, vehicles, mountains, and roads capcha squares.
and yes, i clicked what was requested.
each time i login i get one or two more capcha challenges added to the number.. isn't there a better way to login?.
Just had to go through SIXTEEN different capcha screens.
a while ago someone (i forget who) was doing a series, a regular analysis, of wt studies from the current week.
i have't seen any for a while so i thought i'd contribute one.
have a bit of fun picking out all the unsubstantiated assertions and logical fallacies etc... so here goes: (if you enjoy it let me know and i might try doing another.
Jesus said that his followers would be known by "LOVE" among themselves.
So IF, as WT hammers on about, the "world"(non JDubs) are not Jesus followers then how the hell can something they DO NOT have cool off? It cannot!
So trying to absolve themselves of ANY responsibility to be genuine in their "love" for each other WT claims it is THE WORLD whose "love" for God is cooling off. The crumb is thrown out in the last few paragraphs, but as a nearly ninety year old brother said recently, "They have "love" on their lips, but NOT in their hearts!"
The utter BS of their claim is obvious.
what is the minimum meeting attendace for someone, who is of good health, has not children doesn't work in a job that requires travel and lives about 3 miles from the kh?
is 50% for clam and 75% for watchtower acceptable?.
OR how much money he has .
THAT more than anything else will be the determining factor..
i've noticed that some elders will insist on getting a special bethel speaker for memorials, special talks, or sometimes for no reason at all!
i believe they are trying build connections they can use later, but who pays for it?
the congregation does and as a former account servant i can tell you airfare isn't all that cheap.
Anybody else notice this trend?
I sure have. Where I am at there is one cong. that just cannot abide to be second to any other cong. in any matter. Regularly fly out "special" Bethel speakers, and then they put on the dog and pony show. The only ones who get to go sit through the whole she-bang are the oh so mighty elders, pioneers, and any really favored ones who get a personal invite and then get bragging rights to lord it over the rest of the peons about how THEY got to hear the guy, and all the "special" vomit that flowed from his pie-hole.
Thank gawd I have NEVER been invited to one of these ass-kiss fests.
the governing body of jehovah's witnesses, known for its aggressive worldwide proselytizing efforts, stunned many of its 12-million members by declaring war this week on a los angeles denim and designer jeans organization that goes by the name “true religion.”.
“as members of jehovah's one true religious faith we have no business of associating with any organization that claims to be jehovah's true religion!” a letter from the gb states.
it was dated july 20.. in its opening salvo, the seven-member gb directed believers to not “shop at, buy, nor even wear” true religion's products.
Maybe the humour got beaten out of people.
There is another thread about humour in the Bible. My guess is that just like the Bible that people professed to believe they have no humour.
the governing body of jehovah's witnesses, known for its aggressive worldwide proselytizing efforts, stunned many of its 12-million members by declaring war this week on a los angeles denim and designer jeans organization that goes by the name “true religion.”.
“as members of jehovah's one true religious faith we have no business of associating with any organization that claims to be jehovah's true religion!” a letter from the gb states.
it was dated july 20.. in its opening salvo, the seven-member gb directed believers to not “shop at, buy, nor even wear” true religion's products.
I feel sorry for people who are so gullible that they cannot recognize satire or humor when they read it.
This "news" was hilarious.
in the july broadcast of jw broadcasting tony morris one of the gb was telling people about what the jws do in iceland with the cart work and mentioned that they have plastic covers for the books and magazines so that they last longer, ialways thought the end of the world was so close ?.
Plastic covers should make it even easier for the gullible to grab a pamphlet or two.
i'm sure i am not the only one to have heard this come out of the mouths of my loved ones.
it's a very painful thing to hear, especially when it comes from the people like your own parents/family.
even after i've been told that, they would say "we'll just continue life without you.
Ask them if they will read and explain what Jesus words in (Matthew 7:1) mean “Stop judging that you may not be judged.” And Jesus words in (Luke 6:37) “Stop condemning, and you will by no means be condemned.”
is jehovah really a loving and compassionate "father" to his children?
as a jw i would have definitely answered "yes", followed by the typical "he allows suffering, but doesn't cause it", or perhaps the "he has created us to enjoy life and wants us to be happy" mumbo jumbo.
today's daily text demonstrate this reasoning (bold mine):.
Child: Daddy, I love you.
Father: I love you too my child. That is why I am going to inject you with this syringe full of deadly diseases and watch you suffer and die. I love you!
Child: But daddy, I love you!
Father: That is good. You must love me, or I will kill you!
robert ciranko has been a "helper" of the governing body in the writing department.. don adams (born 1925, presumably 91 years old now) has been president of the wtbts since 2000. .
however, in recent official posts (april 2016), robert ciranko is identified as "president of the watch tower".
does anybody know what happened and if this is an official change?.
Bob Ciranko: “They are feeding us the best spiritual food we have ever receive.
Of course, Jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food.
The second quote from the WT 02/2017. So IMPERFECT spiritual food is the BEST JW's can expect. Silly me, I thought Gee-HO-Vah and Jesus were PERFECT and all their works were perfect! Guess the JW's have THAT one wrong too!