Why are the r&f called "publishers"....?
PUBLISHERS?? Here all this time I though they were calling us PUBIC hairs!
the following is a qfr from the april, 2018 watchtower.
just a couple of articles back the organization was explaining how jws need to be encouraging and even when admonishing congregations jesus would start out with encouraging words.
we see none of this in the qfr, rather, it is heavy handed and legally incorrect.. why is it not permissible to post publications of jehovah’s witnesses on a personal website or on social media?.
Why are the r&f called "publishers"....?
PUBLISHERS?? Here all this time I though they were calling us PUBIC hairs!
here's a few little gems from the latest watchtower.. 5 many today think that to be truly free, they must be able to do anything and everything they want to do, regardless of the consequences.. this statement is just ridiculous, any normal functioning individual understands the necessity for restrictions, for their own protection and justice as well as for others.
it's a very childish statement with no substantiation and written only to create a perception in jw minds of how worldly people are selfish to the point of being reckless and unrestrained.
they liken adam and eve's sinning which resulted in disaster as being like a pilot not following their designated flight path and make this commenthowever, if the pilot chose to disregard that guidance and fly any route he desired, the result could be disastrous.. this is a very bad analogy because when adam and eve sinned, they had already been forewarned of their disaster to follow.
Other suggestions for encouragement include words of comfort, reading from the Watchtower or JW org and singing a song together. I must have missed it but I saw no suggestion about reading from the Bible.
Aww...ol' FedUp has already formulated a comment on THAT paragraph if by some stroke of luck I get called on.
"We see many listed suggestions to encourage someone else. While it is not listed in the paragraph we MIGHT even find a small measure of encouragement from actually reading GOD'S words as recorded in the Holy Scriptures by reading from The Bible!"
I can hardly wait.....
todays watchtower study is all about singing complete with instructions on how to sing.,............
"but we all have the responsibility to sing praises to jehovah.
so hold your songbook up high, lift your head, and sing with enthusiasm!".
Good grief....they are even micro managing your singing. They treat the rank and file like they are 5 years old
I think you give them too much credit. They treat JDubs like they are a mentally challenged two year old.
the wtbts has finally decided to join the rest of us in the 21st century and has begun rebranding.
they've dropped the iconic watchtower sign from their heaquarters, and it's only a matter of time till they drop the now embarrassing watchtower name completely; a name synonymous with failure on the one hand and concentration camps on the other.. the organisation will soon be known solely as jw.org, bringing them right up-to-date with the web 2.0 revolution of 15 years ago, and making them the only company still to use a full web address as their main identifier, very forward-thinking of them.. it's inevitable that they'll gradually rebrand everything.
what methods do you think they'll go with?
As things get more and more internet oriented I look for them to begin doing what many newspapers have done already. A "click-bait " headline, and then when you try to read the article there is just a teaser paragraph that you can read and the rest of the article is gradually blurred out until it is unreadable...then the popup that prompts you to subscribe via your credit card to read anymore.
Of course that may be a money loser in the long run, as who in their right mind would pay for third grade level articles?
hi guys.
sooner or later we're going to get a jw knocking on our door.
just like when we were jw's doing the knocking, it's good to have a question prepared to get them thinking about their own beliefs.
Q: WHY do you serve "God"?
A: Because we love him.
Q: Is that your only reason?
A: Well he promised us a paradise. Resurrected loved ones. And to grow young forever
Q: So you admit you serve him for what you can get from him, just like the Devil said Job did?
A: No! We serve him out of love!
Q: So IF it is only out of love would you still agree to give up everything you have given up, serve him until you die, knowing full well that you would never have eternal life, or come back to life in a paradise, see any of your dead relatives and that THIS life was ALL there was?
Then watch there eyes glaze over and the internal conflict start!
after being around for a few years reading, then posting - i've realized the usefulness of trolls.
for 1. they expose what type of person they are.. 2. trolls are very good once you roast them.
many are not able to march up to the wt and give them a piece of our mind.
It's fun to play along some times even when you know they are full of it.
One of my current favorites sports these days is to engage the JDubs I know in a "discussion" of current new light, and then just when they begin to concede that I may have a valid point...take the exact opposite side! I love to tweak them!
i was just thinking of an illustration that may apply.. what do we do if our computer operating system is corrupted?
perhaps through a virus, or because of outdated or corrupted technology?.
do we hang on to that computer because of sentimental reasons?
BUT, if we discover that the Operating System at the very core of our device is faulty, has a virus or is corrupted, we rid ourselves of that machine.
Or we could wipe the HDD and reinstall a clean OS. That would seem to be the better choice IMHO.
i was baptized 30 years ago and have been in the faith for over 35 years.. our organization isn't perfect.
but i'm sick to death of seeing stereotypes about us.
we are not mindless automatons.
@ James Donalds
it seemed like the society taught that somehow everyone and everything pictured the anointed class.
is that still the case?
Where the Scriptures teach that an individual, an event, or an object is typical of something else, we accept it as such. Otherwise, we ought to be reluctant to assign an antitypical application to a certain person or account if there is no specific Scriptural basis for doing so.
And yet they CONtinue to do just that!
i remember around 2005, there was an announcement made from the platform that in a few weeks time we would have to remain at the end of the sunday meeting for a big announcement, directly from the society.. i remember all the murmuring, people thought maybe this was going to be related to armageddon.
everyone was excited, people were speculating.
only the po in each congregation had any idea what was going on, and they were frequently pestered for information, but sworn to secrecy, which only hyped things up even more.. then the meeting came, anticipation was in the air, the announcement started, you could hear a pin drop.
Has it been that long ago already?
Yes, I remember that well. I was gone that Sunday, building what turned into a profitable business. I was told in no uncertain terms that I could NOT have the new book, as it was released to those appreciative enough to be in attendance that morning. I had to wait. I am still "waiting". HAHAHAHA