Can someone explain this madness?
Yes \/ \/ \/ \/ This.
WT leaders want to maintain stupid JW's so they won't think critically and are easier to control
kingdom ministry school.
2018 service year.
programme for congregation elders: file:///c:/users/michael/downloads/kms-tk18-e_no8.pdf.
Can someone explain this madness?
Yes \/ \/ \/ \/ This.
WT leaders want to maintain stupid JW's so they won't think critically and are easier to control
one of the most common "defences" of jw organization is that "the brothers" are imperfect yet still strive to follow god's word.
"sure, they make mistakes," so the argument goes, "but so did god's people in the past, including in bible times.
" the key point is their readiness to keep studying god's word and learning from their mistakes.".
(the real definition of "morality", not the WTS corruption of "morality" as simply "sexual chastity")
Not to hijack a thread...I thought I was the only one who got that point.
the watchtower study is not real bible study.
it is a study to introduce wtbts beliefs,doctrines, and practices.
just think for a moment!
After all, the slave has shown itself to be faithful in doing its assigned work. For example, the Watchtower magazine has been published for some 130 years
Agreed. Their assigned work has been publishing a magazine, and now engaging in flipping real estate...and that is all!
so my cousin phoned and told me my jw sister was taken to hospital with chest pains and it may have been a slight heart attack or possibly she's starting with angina.
now as some of you know my sisters and brother have had little to do with me for 29 years.
we've met at funerals, or arranged them, but i just thought today what if she did die?
Don't get sidetracked, make a dig or bring religion into it. Just demonstrate how a normal person would act. That will be good for whoever reads it as they don't see it that often with the folks they spend time with. Kill em with kindness.
This /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ with a brief "I am sorry to hear about your hospitalization. I hope you get better soon."
i was just pondering whether jws are capable of having a calm, in depth discussion about religious or faith topics?.
i have just finished listening to a great podcast by "dogma debate" (dan) episode 333. this fantastic, in-depth conversation between a theist and an atheist was a masterful example of how a dignified conversation can take place without it resorting to abruptness or even nastiness.. jws on the other hand seem incapable of having such discussion without ending up in the following ways:.
1)they get dogmatic and defensive if a differing view is presented.. 2)if the conversation doesn't go their way, they cut it short saying something like "well, we had better agree to disagree" or the like.. so why the arrogance?
They are paranoid about apostates.
Yep. Just perused a thread over on that goof-ball site JW talk. Rabid, frothing at the mouth con-damnation of "apostates". And so proud of their salivating desire to see death come to any who do not drink THEIR kool-aid! Sick bastards!!
the other day i ran into a jw who just happened to be my very friend during my jw days (which were most of my life).
so for about 60 years we were each other’s very best friend.
we grew up together from about 8 years old and are the same age, now in our early 70’s.
It makes me grit my teeth when I hear people say that either someone "left The Truth", or "left Jehovah" when they really just left a organization
Exactly my feelings also. And EVERY time some jack-wad makes that comment I contradict them with the question, "How do YOU know they left JEHOVAH (or The Truth)? Just because they do not associate with an ORGANIZATION does not mean they left GOD! Can YOU read hearts?"
i was just pondering whether jws are capable of having a calm, in depth discussion about religious or faith topics?.
i have just finished listening to a great podcast by "dogma debate" (dan) episode 333. this fantastic, in-depth conversation between a theist and an atheist was a masterful example of how a dignified conversation can take place without it resorting to abruptness or even nastiness.. jws on the other hand seem incapable of having such discussion without ending up in the following ways:.
1)they get dogmatic and defensive if a differing view is presented.. 2)if the conversation doesn't go their way, they cut it short saying something like "well, we had better agree to disagree" or the like.. so why the arrogance?
Are JWs are capable of having a calm, in depth discussion about religious or faith topics?
since blondie seems to still be on sabbatical, i'll take the liberty of highlighting a couple of "gems" from this week's upcoming study, from the article "reject worldly thinking".. from paragraph 12:.
is it true that succeeding in a secular career that offers power and prestige leads to lasting happiness?
remember that the craving to control others and the longing to be admired are the desires that enticed satan, but he is angry, not happy.. .
Is it true that succeeding in a secular career that offers power and prestige leads to lasting happiness? No.
Playing devils advocate a bit here...when I read that question with my "weasel word" filter on and engaging "pretzel logic" they are correct. First one needs to focus less on the word career, and more on offers. By using the word offers the implication is that one has succeeded in a career strictly and only because it offered power and prestige, with those two things being the persons sole motivating reasons for their career choice.
By linking their choice of words in the manner they did it promotes the idea that ANY success, in ANY career choice is solely for selfish, power hungry look at me reasons. And power and prestige do not automatically translate into happiness.
Think of the difference there would have been in the answer had the WTB&T$ been intellectually honest in how they wrote the question. "Is it true that succeeding in a secular career that offers personal satisfaction for a job well done and is something you truly enjoy working at leads to happiness? The answer would likely be a resounding YES!
loyalty appears to be the buzzword constantly promoted by the gb at the moment.
we hear it at conventions, assemblies, and meetings.. let's face it loyalty covers so much.
shunning of family, friends etc.
Also in Micah 6:8, 'asking' was changed to 'requiring'. What was once a beautiful scripture is now harsh and demanding!
And "kindness" was dropped altogether and replaced with their buzzword "loyalty". Nothing kind about JW taskmasters anymore.
I have taken to using an (un)intentional slip of the tongue when I say anything these days to any JDub about the "Mid-Week Beating." Funny thing, no one seems to even notice.
again with the pants... tony, if you can't stop looking at young men in tight pants don't take it out on the rest of us.
So he clearly aware of what sites such as this are saying about the borg. Good. I hope he does a world tour, telling the rank and file, noooo, we are not a cult.
Me thinks he doth protest too much!