child molestation lawsuits
That must be "fake news"...remember one of the g.b. said those are just Satanic lies from "apostates". LOL
it appears that the borg has some financial issues and i would think they are related to the hush money being paid out for the child molestation lawsuits to protect the guilty cult members and the fine untarnished reputation of the jdubs.. we have seen how much the borg refers to the hebrew scriptures for their guiding principles whenever it suits the borg's needs.
tithing certainly is laced throughout the old testament.
under the mosaic law, there were three tithes.
child molestation lawsuits
That must be "fake news"...remember one of the g.b. said those are just Satanic lies from "apostates". LOL
it appears that the borg has some financial issues and i would think they are related to the hush money being paid out for the child molestation lawsuits to protect the guilty cult members and the fine untarnished reputation of the jdubs.. we have seen how much the borg refers to the hebrew scriptures for their guiding principles whenever it suits the borg's needs.
tithing certainly is laced throughout the old testament.
under the mosaic law, there were three tithes.
After this paragraph in last Sundsy's WT I would not be surprised if they start mandating a "tithe", although they will not call it that. They may phrase it as a regular monthly "voluntary" offering via direct debit from your funding account of choice.
"Jehovah’s people gave financial support to those taking the lead in the work...the Israelites gave them a tithe, or a tenth part, that allowed the Levites to focus on their work at the tabernacle. Similarly, Jesus and his
apostles later benefited from the generosity of the women “who were ministering to them..."
Sounds like a tithing arrangement to me, and I notice it is directed at how Jehovah's people giving to the leaders. (that today would be the governing body, circuit overseers, elders etc. I am sure.)
this morning my doorbell rang.
i opened the door thinking it was a package delivery person or local politicians thanking my community for voting in yesterday's election.
there was a middle aged man standing by himself.
His spiel might have been superficial but it worked - he got the invitation into your hand.
And the Dubs get to count every one of those as a placement on their monthly report card. YAY! "I had 80 placements to report! I am 'SPECIAL' "!
january 2018 issue "why give to the one who has everything?
an unashamed contribution appeal... this one with the most manipulative language i can imagine... it may have been commented on before, but i am going to anyway.. p5 quote.
"would you not agree that jehovah is worthy of all the glory and honor that we can give him by offering the best that we have?
Then there were these little nuggets of wisdom B.S..."In other cases Jehovah’s people gave financial support to those taking the lead in the work...Jesus and his apostles benefited from the generosity
of the women “who were ministering to them from their belongings. Green handshakes not so subtly being "suggested".
Today, we too may be asked to make donations for a specific purpose. For example, a new Kingdom Hall or your current Kingdom Hall being renovated. Where? If that is the case why the current video about going to whatever KH we are ordered to attend, so other KH's can be sold off and the money sent to New York? This doesn't pass the smell test!
Our brothers who are in poor economic situations, in “deep poverty” begged for the privilege to
give. Can the blatant spirit of begging through guilt be any more egregious?
With prayerful consideration, the Governing Body strives to be faithful
and discreet with regard to how the organization’s funds are used. You mean like that $4,000.00 per day fine, or the awards to victims of tolerated child abuse, in WT quest to shut them up and cover over the crimes?
In recent years, there have been many exciting new initiatives. At times, this resulted in more money going out than coming in for a period of time. How does less printing, less "special" pioneers, less circuit overseers, NO district overseers, less Bethelites, less branch locations, less New York buildings, less assembly days all add up to MORE money going out?
Worldwide, nearly 2,500 Kingdom Halls are currently in the process of being built or extensively renovated. So which is it? The thousands they claimed to need BEFORE the money grab, the mere hundreds they claimed AFTER the money grab, or the 2,500 they now claim here?
There is something seriously wrong with the reasoning in this truly cringe-worthy piece of tripe article openly begging for more money!
i guess if the jdubs have no clue how long a generation is they also wouldn't know how long a time period the word "soon" refers too.. 60 years ago my mother would hammer into my brain how soon the great tribulation was.
soon jehovah would destroy the wicked.
then a few years later there was no need to go to college because the end was so soon.
How long is the time period for soon?
Well as the Dub's always say "a thousand years is as a day and a day as a thousand years", so they figure that soon is only a week or two. Two weeks=fourteen days=fourteen thousand years. I guess waiting for another "day" or two is "soon" according to their whacked out timetable!
i heard the special talk today was televised (recorded, i presume).
the speaker was named griffin.
did anyone catch his first name or where he was from?.
Recorded. In my locality it will be next Sunday. Everyone yapping about how "happyfying" and unifying" it will be.
hi another kingsom hall is up for sale if you look in the rightmove property website and look for bradford in the uk you will see that its priced at £170,000.. but why should they need to be selling a kingdom hall off espically when they are not printing about 50 million magazines a month they vant be that short of money can they ?
They must be selling it in order to help finance some of those 2,500 new and refurbished KH's they bragged about needing in this mornings WT. Imagine, one lost hour of begging for more money disguised as "Bible" study.
if there is any english literature teacher on this forum ...can he or she analyze those words of this song ?.
radicalization is going on ... and people sing without any reaction at the meetings...they are so brainwashed.... song 50.
1. take my heart and may it love.
And who says that WTB&T$$ doesn't steal their ideas?
the origin of the bottle tree is to catch evil spirits.
so to dream catchers.
i remember a talk back in the early 70s or maybe late 60s that was about dubbers did not have wind chimes.
Imagine your public speaker/stick-in-the-mud observing a table full of Witnesses giggling about their coming good fortunes...IN BED!
ex-jehovah's witnesses break silence on shunning: 'my mother treats me like i'm dead'.
detroit free press 3 hours ago .
A few apologetics who are either lying or ignorant of their own religion.
They most surely are not ignorant.