If the rank and file have done what the watchtower wants and have got a
low income job they will be really pushed to find the extra money to get
to the kingdom hall.
The half-wits will just view it as another opportunity to show their loyalty stupidity.
You have to be out of your freakin' cotton-picking mind to be driving 50
or miles each way on a winter night when the windchills are in the -40
and below and endangering your family. Can't blame the JW's who think
practically and say ''Nah, forget it'' ,''not safe''. Good thinking,
practical people think like this. Survivors.
Oh, but they will remember all the stories of the ones who walked 75 miles each way, three times per week, over crocodile infested rivers, and lion infested forests, past army troops armed with automatic weapons searching for JDubs to use for target practice...and just blindly do it.